Inventory FAQ

Inventory FAQ

1. When i make a opening stock entry, do i need to open a session

A: No, opening stock entries can be done without opening the session


2. In  case i am not able to add opening stock where do i check

A: Under Inventory->Item property, see if the item is marked as applicable for the particular location. If not enable the same and add the stock


3. When items are transferred from one location to another, if some items are not received in the proper condition then how to make the entry

A: Make the entry for the total stock inward under Transfer in and do a stock update for the items that are not in the right condition


4. I am going to make purchases of items next week. Can i create a purchase order for a future date

A: Yes though a purchase you can plan your future purchases.


5. Can i do a stock correction when the quantity of stock on hand is more than the purchased quantity

A: No a stock update cannot be done in this case. You have do an opening stock entry first


6. While doing a stock audit of the physical stock, can i make corrections to stock

A: No, no stock entries can be done during the stock audit. Make a physical stock entry and once the approval is done, you can proceed with stock entry.

* In which cases , The invoice will not show in the purchase return?

A: After the purchase , if we did any transaction against the purchase which will not show in the purchase return.


7. Can we maintain inventory for variant item?

  • Different forms for an item are called variants. Inventory can be maintained for the item and its variants

  • For eg, Coffee can have Small, Medium and Large as variants.

  • To maintain stock for item Go to Inventory->Item property->Choose the item

  • Under inventory->opening stock - add the stock for the item and variant



8. What will happen if PO is done (converted) partially?

  • A purchase order is raised when a buyer wants to purchase goods from a supplier

  • A PO can be converted into an invoice fully or partially

  • When converted partially, the status will show as Partial and the PO will still be there

  • The status will show completed after it is fully converted

  • This can be seen under Reports->Purchase-> Purchase order Summary / Detail


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