Item Favorites option is used to pin the top-selling items or favorite items by the customers which will help the billing person to select and add the items quickly in the cart which will provide a faster checkout experience.
In order to select the favourite item, follow the below steps:
Step1: In the main screen of SellQuick, Click on the "+" icon to select and add any item from the item list.
Step2: Selected items have been added to Favorites list
We can also click on the three dots of any favorite item and change or remove the items that are set as favorite
It's also possible to set item favorites based on a GoBill Mobile register (counter) or user.
To do so, In RetailEasy (RPOS7) - > Tools -> Configuration - > Configuration -> Common Settings - > GoBill Mobile -> select the configuration " Item favourites based on"
If it is set to register - then whichever user logins in the device, the item favorites will be the same for that register.
If set as Userwise, then item favorites will be specific for one user and he can log in in any tablet, and find the same set of favorites