How to configure weighing scale barcode for an item?

How to configure weighing scale barcode for an item?

Configuration settings in Item Master

1. Click Inventory >> Masters >> Items to open the Item Master screen.

2. Click the Packing tab to open the Packing screen.


3. In the Barcode Generation Profile field, press F2 key to select the barcode profile from the Custom Barcode Profile list.


4. In the Is Weighable field, press F2 key to select from the below options:

  • No - Applicable for sealed items such as Complan, Oil & Candy packets which have pre-defined rates and do not require weighing
  • Yes - The item is weighable in the weighing scale. Applicable for countable items viz. eggs, coconuts etc. and weighable items viz. fruits and vegetables

5. In the Sell By weights or By Units field, press F2 key to select from the below options:
  • By weights - If the item is weighed in Kg or grams
  • By Units - If the item is weighed in counts/pieces
  • None

Refer the image below for configuring the settings for Weighable Items.


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