Item Master FAQ

Item Master FAQ

1. I was using a software and now when I switched over, how will I have and show the same menu

A. In servequick we have an item master where the items are listed which are part of the menu. As the menu is already there, there is an option to enter all the details in a .csv file and Import into the item master. This done by a bulk migration and the menu setup is done.

2. I want to show cost and selling price for the items. Is it possible?

A. Yes, In the item master, under Pricing you can enter both the prices

3. Can I give item name with the name as 7up bottle @ 50/-?

A: No, special characters or symbols cannot be used in the item names

4. In the menu there are items that are veg and non-veg and desserts. How do I show them?

A; You can put these items under different categories and classify it.

5. In the preparation status if I have wrongly chosen the option, can I change it.

A: Changes in the item master can be done before the details are saved. Once saved, there are some fields that cannot be corrected for errors like the Preparation status. In such cases inactivate the item created and create a new item with the correct details

6. I my business I only buy and sell the items. I do not prepare any items. In that case, should I enter the Food type field

A: No, this field is applicable only in the case if you are selling the items online and you need to classify them based on the type

7. I sell an item as a box and also in pieces. Can I set different prices for the item if sold separately should I give them as two different items

A: In servequick we have a Unit of Measurement field where we can show the box and pieces. If you have to have a different price if the item is sold in piece, you can do this in Uom v/s item mapping screen

8. I am selling some items online. What the important checks to be done for the items

A: The item, category, modifier, order type should be marked online applicable in the master data

9. In my shop I have some regular customers who take the items on credit and pay me later. Can I show these and have a record

A: Yes, we have an option to create credit customers. While creating the customer choose the payment more as credit and mention the credit limit, credit balance and days. The credit balance field cannot be edited. By using credit settlement, the bills of these customers can be settled

10. When I give the items names in local language can I see that in my sales and report

A: No, the impact of the Unicode is only in print and not in sales and reports

11. Sometimes I buy items from international suppliers. Will Gst be applicable here

A: No GST will not be applicable

12: When I create a Kit item will the stock of the item that is part of the kit reduce

A: No, when the production plan is processed by proceeding to kitchen, the stock gets reduced when the bill of material is saved

13. Can I make a kit plan for a later date. Eg. Can I plan for the weekend as customers will be more

A: Yes, you can plan and execute for the future date

14: Can I add trade as is and ingredient items when I create a combo

A: Yes, we can map both ingredient and trade as it item in the combo. But when an Assembly item is be mapped under a combo a substitute cannot be mapped


15: What is the impact on editing the item?

  • In the item master there is an option to edit

  • The impact will be on the sales bill and the reports accordingly


16. What is HSN number

HSN stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature  developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to classify goods all in a systematic manner. HSN contains six digit uniform code. This is used for taxation purposes in identifying the rate of tax applicable to a product in a country. The HSN code can be received from the product type and its classification

Go to Masters->Item->Add item

Enter the HSN number in the details and save



17. Servequick_ COLOR and it's usage

Colour refers to the colour of the image for a particular item. This is appear in the sales screen



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