Last Tendered Cash Amount and Last Bill Number

Last Tendered Cash Amount and Last Bill Number

Last Tendered Cash Amount and Last Bill Number




The "Last tendered cash amount" and "Last bill number" in the Cashier Management screen of the RetailEasy Apparel POS system serve different purposes:

  1. Last tendered cash amount: This refers to the amount of cash that was last tendered by the cashier during a transaction. It is useful for keeping track of the cash flow and making sure that the cash register has enough funds to make change for future transactions.

  2. Last bill number: This refers to the number of the last bill that was generated by the cashier during a transaction. It is useful for record-keeping purposes and can be used to track sales and inventory levels.

By displaying these pieces of information in the Cashier Management screen, the RetailEasy Apparel POS system helps managers and administrators keep track of the cash flow and sales activity at the store. This information can also be used to identify any discrepancies or errors in the cash register and help prevent loss or theft.


Note: Feature added in the product to show 'Last tendered cash amount' and 'Last bill number' in cashier management screen when the user converted single due bill as like Sales screen. This also works only the Service user configuration.




- By showing the last tendered cash amount, the cashier can quickly verify that they have received the correct amount from the customer and reduce errors in handling cash transactions.

- When the last bill number is displayed, the cashier can quickly refer to the previous transaction and retrieve any necessary information or items. This can help to speed up the checkout process and improve customer service.

- The last bill number can be used to identify suspicious or fraudulent activity in the system. If a cashier notices a discrepancy or unusual activity, they can refer to the last bill number to investigate further.

- By displaying the last bill number, the cashier can easily track the number of transactions that have occurred since the last shift. This information can be used to monitor sales and make informed decisions about inventory management.

Steps to configure for the 'Last tendered cash amount' and 'Last bill number' in cashier management screen:


Step 1: Step 1: Login as Service User.

Go to Tools > Configuration > Configuration



Step 2: Business Configuration screen will appear. Go to Service User Configuration > Billing - Allow to loaded bills only by scan code in Cashier System (Enable the checkbox) > Save







To conclude, displaying the "Last tendered cash amount" and "Last bill number" in the cashier management screen of RetailEasy Apparel POS can provide a improved cash management, faster customer service, enhanced security, and easier tracking of sales. By having access to this information, cashiers can verify cash amounts quickly, retrieve necessary information, identify suspicious activity, and monitor sales. Overall, these features can help to optimize the checkout process, increase efficiency, and improve the overall performance of the RetailEasy Apparel POS system.




1. Can the last bill number be used to identify fraudulent activity?

- Yes, the last bill number can be used to identify suspicious or fraudulent activity in the system. If a cashier notices a discrepancy or unusual activity, they can refer to the last bill number to investigate further.


2. Is it possible to track sales with the last bill number?

- Yes, tracking sales with the last bill number is possible. Cashiers can easily track the number of transactions that have occurred since the last shift, which can be used to monitor sales and make informed decisions about inventory management.


3. Is the information displayed in the cashier management screen secure?

- The information displayed in the cashier management screen is typically secure and can only be accessed by authorized personnel.


4. Can the last tendered cash amount and last bill number be customized to meet our store's needs?

- Depending on the specific POS system, the last tendered cash amount and last bill number may be customizable to meet the needs of individual stores.


5. Is there a way to display the last bill number without compromising customer privacy?

- Yes, it is possible to display the last bill number without compromising customer privacy. For example, some systems may display only the last few digits of the bill number, rather than the entire number.


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