Area Attribute Master in HQ:
The Area Attribute Master in Gofrugal HQ allows you to define and manage attributes related to different areas or sections of your business. This could include details such as location-specific information, categorization, or any other relevant data.
Below are the steps to create an Area Attribute Master:
Step 1: Go to MDM > Attribute Master Management > Area Attribute Master
Step 2: Click on the "Add" button to add the Area Attribute Master.
Step 3: In the Area Attribute Master, put the Attribute Name, Attribute Type = Outlet or HQ, Report To = Yes & Status = Active, and click on the "Save" button.
Step 4: Click on the Attribute Name you have just created.
Step 5: Put the details in the List Value box and click on the "+" button to add the records.
This way the records will be added under the Area Attribute Master you have created and will be available in the Area Master Enhanced.