Learn about Assembly items in HQ environment.

Learn about Assembly items in HQ environment.

What is an Assembly Item?


An assembly item is a product that's composed of multiple individual items, sold as a single unit.


For example (Rpos7):

Cricket kit: Items like Bat, Boll, Gloves, etc are combined and made as an assembly item. At the time of sales, by selecting the cricket kit, it will load all the items configured for it we can choose and remove if any item is not needed. The stock of the configured raw materials will be deducted at the time of sale only.


For example (Rpos6):

Sandwich: When the placed order is prepared instantly in the live kitchen, then it is called an assembly item. When we order a sandwich, the person in the kitchen will take multiple things like bread, onions, cheese, etc and prepare the same. The stock of the configured raw materials will be deducted at the time of sale only.





To create an Assembly Item in HQ (Rpos7), follow the steps below:


Step 1: Go to MDM > Item Master Management > Item Master



Step 2: Click on the Edit button to edit the item or click on Add Item to add a new item.



Step 3: Locate Item Product Type and select Assembly from the list.




To Configure the Assembly item in Rpos7, do the following steps:

Step 1: Go to Inventory > Masters > Assembly / KIT Config


Step 2: Click on the Type drop-down and select the Assembly from the list.

Step 3: Take the Assembly item and configure the products under the assembly item with their qty.





Selling an Assembly Item (Rpos7):

Assembly items don't have any stock of their own, and they cannot be prepared as well. We can directly sell the assembly items while doing billing.

Step 1: Go to Sales > Sales Bill


Step 2: Select the assembly item from the item list. The product set window will popup. This is where you can select or deselect any item you want. Then press enter.

Step 3: Your items will be loaded, and you can complete the billing process.

Printing Configuration (Rpos7):

  1. Assembly Item Name needs to be added in the bill design.

  1. Don't Print repeated values option should be enabled.

The printout will look like this:


To create an Assembly Item in HQ (Rpos6), follow the steps below:


Step 1: Go to MDM > Item Master Management > Item Master


Step 2: Click on the Edit button to edit the item or click on Add Item to add a new item.


Step 3: Put all the necessary information about the item and locate "Item Preparation Status" and select "A-Assembly" from the list.


Step 4: Click on the Outlet specific Tab and add the rates, and then click on the Save button to save the item.



Check out the complete details of assembly item config or Recipe management from HQ Rpos6 from this link:


NotesReports in HQ6: 


Selling an Assembly Item (Rpos6):

Assembly items don't have any stock of their own, and they cannot be prepared as well. We can directly sell the assembly items while doing billing.

Step 1: Go to Sales > Bill Entry

Step 2: Select the Assembly item from the item list and save the bill.

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