Learn the usage of Outlet Supplier Item Mapping.

Learn the usage of Outlet Supplier Item Mapping.

Outlet Supplier Item Mapping:

The Outlet Supplier Item Mapping is used for mapping specific suppliers' items with specific outlets. Suppose you have one item Britannia 50-50, which is supplied in your warehouse by ABC Enterprise, and the same Item is being supplied by XYZ Enterprise in your other outlet based on the distance, availability, and many other conditions. So to make Main Suppliers for an item in different outlets, we do the outlet-wise supplier item mapping.  

Check the below-mentioned steps to do Outlet Supplier Item Mapping:

Step 1: Go to BPM > Purchase Management > Supplier Settings > Outlet Supplier Item Mapping.

Step 2: Choose the desired outlet name and supplier names from the list and click on the GO button. You will get the entire list on the right-hand side.

Step 3: Now choose Based On as either Category-Based or Item-Based. Let us consider Category Based for this example.

Step 4: Then select the Category Names from the list as per your choice.

Step 5: Select the desired item from the Item List.

Step 6: Then click on the New Map button.

Now let us take the second item as an example.

Note: You can see the mapped items in the right-hand box.

Step 7: Click on the "Send to Outlets" Button.

Step 8: Now choose the outlet and click on the "Send to Outlet" button.

Note: The "Send to Outlet Successfully" button will come.

When you choose the Based ON option as "Item Based", then you need to choose the Item Name, and Supplier Type and click on the "New Map" button.

See the below image where the mapped item is shown in the right-hand box.