How to set up loyalty points based on the Payments types?

How to set up loyalty points based on the Payments types?

It is used for the loyalty to calculate based on the particular payment type alone. For E.g: when the payment mode credit card is selected then the store has to pay Some Percentage of service Charges to the Bank. So in that case it might consider as loss to the Store by giving some of the bill amount as loyalty to the customer. 

Sample :
For cash if it is 50%,it will calculate like for 1000 rupees bill it will calculate loyalty only for 500 rupees.

Please follow the steps for enabling this feature.

Step 1:
  • Move to loyalty program which is already created on sales->loyalty&schemes->loyalty program.
  • On that field named as Loyalty based on payment need to give yes.

Step 2:
  • Next move to loyalty Vs tender screen under sales->Loyalty&schemes->Loyalty vs payment 
  • On that we can select program 
  • Select the tender type  
  • Give Percentage of amount on which loyalty should calculate .

Once the details are updated we can check on bill entry how points are calculating for that tender mapped.
Step 3 :
  • Sample :
     loyalty program for each 10 rupees=1 point for each point one rupees.


Instead of 10 points only  points are calculated.


Step 4:I
Instead of 10 points it has calculated only 5 points.  We can use this same type for other tender types also

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