How to map multiple sets of recipe for a single KIT item

How to map multiple sets of recipe for a single KIT item

Multiple Recipe Mapping
Use Multiple Recipe Mapping screen to create multiple sets of the recipe for a single kit item. You can select any one of the sets among the multiple set as default item or recipe of the day.
For example - A Paratha, that can be of many varieties like Aloo Paratha, Palak Paratha, Paneer Paratha, etc. Based on the Paratha types its recipe will be different. So, Multiple Recipe Mapping is used to create multiple sets of the recipe for a single Paratha item.

Steps for Multiple Recipe Mapping
  • Change the Global Configuration of Kit Config.
  • Create the multiple recipe items in Recipe Configuration.
  • Map the item in Multiple Recipe Mapping.

Steps for changing the Global Configuration of Kit Config
  1. Click Tools > Configuration Manager > Configuration.
  2. The Business Configuration Screen is displayed.

  3. Click Master Setting > Kit Config.
  4. The Kit Config screen is displayed.

  5. In the Enable Multiple Recipes field, press SPACE-BAR to select.
  6. Click Save.
  7. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Exit.

Steps for creating the multiple recipe items in in Recipe Configuration
  1. Click Production > Masters > Recipe Configuration.
  2. The Kit configuration screen is displayed.

  3. In the Kit Configuration section -
    • In the Kit/ Assembly field, press ENTER. A list of Preparation Status screen is displayed, select the Kit.
    • In the Item Name field, press ENTER. A list of Kit Item is displayed, select the <<NEW ENTRY>>.
    • The Multiple Recipe field is automatically displayed with Yes, select from the following option:
      • Yes - If you want multiple recipes, press Y.
      • No - If you don't want multiple recipes, press N.
    • In the Recipe Name field, enter the new recipe name.
    • In the field Config Qty, enter the number of kit items to order i.e. the quantity of the kit item.
    • In the Selling field, enter the selling price of the Kit items.
    • In the Basic Cost field, enter the basic cost of the ingredient altogether.
    • In the AddOn Product field, select the following option.
      • No (N) - if no addon product is available.
      • Yes (Y) - if addon product is available.
        To addon a product select AddOn Product or press F11.
    • In the Planned Wastage field, enter the planned wastage amount.
  4. In the Ingredient Items section -

    • In the code field, press ENTER. A list of Select Item is displayed, select the Item.
    • The Item Name field is read-only and automatically displayed for the item name.
    • In the Qty field, enter the ingredient quantity.
    • In the Packing/UOM field, select the UOM/Packing unit. i.e. KG, GRAM, LT, ML.
    • In the Cost Amt field, enter the cost of the ingredient items.
    • In the Substitute field, the select mark display the presence of substitute items.
      • To make an item with a substitute item, click Subs Items or press the F10 key.
      • To mark an item as a substitute item, select
  5. Click Save or press F6 to save the record.
  6. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.
  7. Click Exit or press the F12 key to close the screen.
  8. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes.

Steps for mapping the item in Multiple Recipe Mapping
  1. Click Production > Master > Multiple Recipe Mapping.
  2. The Multiple Recipe Mapping screen is displayed.

  3. In the Multiple Recipe Mapping section -
    • In the Recipe filed, press ENTER. A list of Select Recipe items is displayed, select the recipe item.
  4. Click Save or press F6 to save the record.
  5. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.
  6. Click Exit or press the F12 key to close the screen.
  7. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes
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