Optical Out Attribute in Sales

Optical Out Attribute in Sales

Optical Out Attribute in Sales




When we market optical products, such as glasses and contact lenses, as medical devices that correct vision. Then, according to a doctor's prescription, this Out Attribute in Sales reflects to record the additional detail of those sold things in the software.




- These characteristics aid in accurately recording readings, which enhances visual acuity.

- These eyeglasses or lenses that the doctor prescribed also offer the patient's eyes trustworthy protection.

- They are also reliable, inexpensive, and simple to maintain.


Steps to configure for Optical Out Attribute in Sales (Spectacles):


Step 1: Go to Inventory > Masters > Items



Step 2: Item Master screen will appear. In Gen tab, mention the Item Name and Choose the Product Type as Serialized from LOV. Fill the details with MFR Name, Selling Price, MRP & Purchase Price.



Step 3: Go to Misc tab. Click on Addl. Out Attribute and select Spectacles as an attributes from LOV. Click Save.


Step 4: Go to Sales > Sales Bill



Step 5: Bill Entry Screen will appear. Load the Item and select the Serial Number item. Click Ok.




Step 6: Spectacle Out Attribute tab will appear. Fill in the details as per Doctor Prescription. Click Ok.



Step 7: Click the Save function key. Tender screen will appear, mention the amount as Mode of Payment. Click Save.


Steps to configure for Optical Out Attribute in Sales (Spectacles 2):


Follow the same steps as mentioned above.


Step 1: In Misc tab. Click on Addl. Out Attribute and select Spectacles 2 as an attributes from LOV. Click Save.



Step 2: In Bill Entry Screen. Load Item and Spectacle Out Attribute tab will appear. Fill in the details as per Doctor Prescription. Click Ok.




Note: The Right Eye & Left Eye Detail is mentioned as Distance & Near Vision in Spectacle 2, which is the only difference Between Spectacle & Spectacle 2.






Out Attribute is used in the optical industry to capture information according to a doctor's prescription for the creation of eyeglasses or contact lenses for any eye problems a patient may be experiencing.



Related Links:



Learn about the business flow of the Optical Vertical.

- http://sam.gofrugal.com/stream_video.php?id=2389

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