OrderEasy FAQs

OrderEasy FAQs

1. Can customers set a different price for online and offline?
        A. No. Whatever price customer sets in the POS, the same will be reflected in the app.

2. Can consumers get real-time status updates?
       A. Consumers will get notified through push notifications for two status i.e pending and completed

3. Will GOFRUGAL assist the customers in the image uploading process?
       A. No. Consumers should download the images from google and upload.

‌4. If the POS loses its internet connectivity, will Order-Easy work?

      A. Yes. Consumers can place the Orders at any time. Customer will have to sync in the integration portal when the POS retrieves the internet connection. The orders will be synced.

5. Can you change the Minimum order value and delivery radius later?
      A. Yes. At any point in time, it can be changed and the same will be applied to the app immediately

6. Will the app be available in the app store also?
      A.  Yes, the app will be uploaded in app store also provided you own an app store account. Click here to set-up your app store account http://community.gofrugal.com/portal/en/kb/articles/steps-to-create-appstore-account-for-ordereasy

7. Is the Sync process automatic?

      A. Yes. If the retailer has enabled scheduler for the sync process, then the sync will happen automatically as per the time set.

8. Can the consumer cancel the order?

      A. Yes. Consumer can cancel the order in the OrderEasy app. Same can be seen in "My Orders" menu in the app

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