The Practice login feature in RPOS7 has been designed to assist users who want to practice or who wants to train others in a secured and controlled environment. It helps the users to train themselves in making any type of transactions such as masters, sales, purchase, inventory etc. in the same manner as in a live session. The user can download the transaction data from the live login for practice. However, the data created or modified in the practice login will not be reflected anywhere in the live login. It is the safe and best solution offered to the users for practicing without causing any tamper in the live data. Apart from practice option, it also enables the user to validate a new functional feature when implemented in the product. Hence, it serves a dual purpose of imparting a practice mode and enabling a test mode.
How to create Practice Login?
Creating Practice Login for the new user
Note: The screens in practice mode are shown in a different color theme. This helps you to be aware in which you are doing the transactions.
For a sales transaction, the Sales Bill screen looks as below:

- Allows the practice user to make only transactions, printing is not allowed
- Privilege for accessing security manager, VAT reports etc. is restricted to practice users
- Backup of transaction data while exiting the software is not allowed
- Setup practice login process can be done only in server machine
- GFTP instance has to be created manually other than the SQL 2005 environment to continue the process
- Data entered in practice mode will not be retained in the live login
- While updating the new version of patch in Live login, user needs to download the transaction data once again [Tools >> Configuration >> Create Practice Database [Live copy]]
- The Practice login feature is available only in Professional edition. Users having other editions need to enable the 'Practice Login' feature via customer license
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