The loyalty points/amount acquired by the customer is redeemed in the billing screen.
1. Click Sales >> Sales Bill to open the bill entry screen.
a. In the Name field, press ENTER to select the customer to whom the loyalty card was sold.
b. Press ENTER to select the items from the item LOV(List Of Values).
c. Press Esc or * key or Shift + F1 key to invoke tender.
d. Click Save to save the Sales Bill. Based on the sales made, certain loyalty points are offered to the customer. The corresponding amount for the loyalty points is accumulated in the customers account. The loyalty amount will be shown in the customer details grid.
2. Click Sales >> Masters >> Tender to open the Tender Type Master screen.
a. In the Tender Type field, press ENTER or F2 key or double click the mouse to select the tender type. Select the option Redeem Loyalty.
b. In the Hide Tender Type field, select the option NO.
c. Press F6 key to save the changes.
3. Click Sales >> Sales Bill to open the bill entry screen.
a. In the Name field, press ENTER to select the customer to whom the loyalty card was sold.
b. Press Esc or * key or Shift + F1 key to invoke tender after loading the items for billing.
c. In the Loyalty field, press ENTER to view the Loyalty details of the customer.
d. In the Redeem Amount field, enter the amount redeemed by the customer.
e. In the CASH field, Press ENTER to save the Sales Bill.