Selling the loyalty card to the customers
1. Click Customer >> Loyalty Management >> Sell Customer Loyalty Card to open the Sell Customer Loyalty Card screen.
2. In the Name field, press ENTER to view the customers list. Select the customer from the list and all the details of the customer created in the Customer Master are loaded in the customer details grid.
3. The field Card Name is a read-only field. Press ENTER to select the loyalty card from the Loyalty card list.
4. In the Card Number field, enter the card number generated in customer Loyalty card creation.
5. The field Card Category is a read-only field. Press ENTER to select the Card category from the following options:
6. In the Card Rate field, the rate of the card is automatically loaded based on the option selected in the Card Category field.
7. The field Card Type is a read-only field. Press ENTER to select the the Card type from the following options:
Note : The fields Card Holder Name, Card Holder Mobile no, Card Holder Relation and Opening Loyalty Points are applicable only if the Card Type selected is Addon Card.
8. In the Primary Card Number field, the Card Number is automatically loaded.
9. In the Card Holder Name field, enter the name of the customer to whom the primary card was sold.
10. In the Card Holder Mobile no field, enter the mobile number of the card holder.
11. In the Card Holder Relation field, enter the relation of the customer to the card holder.
12. In the Opening Loyalty Points field, enter the loyalty points manually.
13. The field Status is a read-only field. Press ENTER to select the the Status of the card from the following options:
14. Press F6 key to invoke tender and save the record.