Service charge based on order type

Service charge based on order type

Purpose service charge, also called a service fee, refers to a fee collected to pay for services that relate to a product or service that is being purchase. Service charge for order  type will be calculated automatically on the tender.

How to add the service charge based on the order type
Step 1:Go to Setting->Taxes-->Click on Tax

Step 2: Click on Add tax 

Step 3: Enter the Tax name, tax percentage and choose the tax type. click on save

To Enable the service charge based on order type

Step 4: Edit the item and enable the service charge applicable as YES

Step 5:Go to Setting->Order type

Step 6: Edit the location and choose the service charge based on order type and click on update.

Step 7 :Go to Sales->Sales Bill, choose the order type and select the items. Based on order type service charge will be calculated on tender

Step 8: Go to Reports ->Sales summary ->sales details by order type

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