1. App name. For example Suresh Shopping Mall
You can mention up to 50 characters
2. App logo in 1024*1024 pixel
3. Enable the checkbox based on Playstore/App store.
For example, if the user has created only play store account, then he must select play store and mention the play store mail id.
4. Mention primary and secondary colours using the colour picker.
For example, in the below image, Red is primary colour and Blue is the secondary colour
5. App theme
6. Short description
Mention the content in this field. We will upload default content if you do not have any preferable description.
Default content: We are online now.
Note: You can modify it from your play store account later.
7. Long description
This will be displayed under your app and be visible to all the play store users. It can typically be about your store, brand etc. Mention the content in this field.
We will upload default content if you do not have any preferable description.
Default content:
Our app allows both existing and new customers to order products at any time.
Three clicks ordering process:
-> Register with your mobile number
-> Select the items
-> Place your order.
Order from anywhere, anytime and get your groceries delivered at your doorstep.
Step 5: Submit the request
Once the request is submitted, our team will start the development of your store app based on the submitted details. Once the app is published in the play store/app store, we will send you the app link and you can share the app link to your customers from the same screen.
1. Log-on to MyGofrugal app and open OrderEasy section in the menu
2. Click on the icon(Android/iOS) to share the app link to your customers
Note: App details cannot be edited once the app is published.