How to make a Short Excess entry?
While packing repacked items from a bulk item, there may be a slight deviation in the repacked quantities than the actual.
Example: Consider a bulk item of 100KG in a single pack. The item is repacked into 1KG packs. Actually, the count of the repacked items must be 100. But in reality, the count may not reach 100, it may be 98 or 99 due to leakages, wastage etc.
The Short Excess is useful to know the stock details of the bulk item. It helps to know the physical stock, packed stock, stock difference etc. Once the short excess is saved, the stock gets deducted.
1. Click Inventory >> Repack & Bulk items >> Short Excess. The Short Excess entry screen is displayed.
2. In the Code field, press Enter. The Item LOV is displayed. Select the item from the LOV.
3. The value in the Stock and Pkdstock columns are automatically loaded. Stock refers to the available stock of the bulk item. The cursor is placed in the PhyStock column. In the PhyStock column, enter the value of the stock available physically and press Enter.
4. The values in the Stock Diff and Status/Unit column are automatically updated. The Stock Diff is the difference between the available stock and the physical stock.
5. Click Save or press F6 to save the Short excess.
After saving the Short excess, the stock gets deducted from the corresponding bulk item.
You can verify the Stock excess details in the Short excess enquiry report.
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