To view the stock details, follow the steps below:
1. Click Inventory >> Stock Ledger [CTRL+L]. The Stock ledger screen is displayed with the Filter screen.
Use the filter screen-
The items are loaded in the Stock ledger screen based on the selection in the filter.
Note: After selecting the date or period, you can load all the items without using the other filter options by pressing the Esc key.
2. In the Date
field, enter the date for which you want to view the stock details of
the items. By default, the system date is displayed in the date field.
3. In the Item Name field, press Enter. The Item LOV is displayed.
4. Select one or more items from the LOV. Press spacebar to multi-select the items (or) press ALT+A to select/deselect all the items in one time.
5. Press Esc key. The items are loaded in the Stock Ledger screen with the stock details.
To view the stock details with selling rates, press F2 [WSaleRate] key in the Stock Ledger screen. The selling price of the items are shown in the Selling column as shown in the below image.
Other Filter options:
Manufacturer based selection
To view the stock details of the items specific to a manufacturer, follow the steps below:
1. In the Manufacturer field, press Enter. The Manufacturer LOV is displayed.
2. Select the manufacturer from the LOV. Press Esc key. The stock details of the items from the selected manufacturer will be loaded in the Stock Ledger screen.
Category based selection
created categories will be listed in the filter screen. In this case,
the categories created were BRAND and COLOUR. For category selection,
follow the steps below:
1. In the BRAND field, press Enter. The BRAND LOV is displayed. Select the BRAND from the LOV.
3. In the COLOUR field, press Enter. The COLOUR LOV is displayed. Select the COLOUR from the LOV.
5. Press Esc key. The stock details of the selected categories will be loaded in the screen.
Other features
Loading all items
1. To load all the items, enter the date or period and press Esc key in the Stock Ledger screen. A confirmation message to load all the items is displayed.
2. Click Yes. All the items in the selected date or period will be displayed in the screen along with the stock details.
Viewing stock for a period
The stock flow of the items for a particular period can also be known. Follow the steps below-
1. Press F4[Period] key in the Stock Ledger screen. The From and To fields are displayed in the Filter screen.
2. In the From and To fields, enter the dates.
3. Press Esc key to load all the items of the selected period.
4. To know the date-wise stock details of each item, select the item and press Enter. The stock details of the selected item is displayed.
For Matrix items
Similarly, the stock flow of the matrix items for a particular period and the date-wise stock details of each matrix combination can be known. [Refer the images below]
Stock Ledger Details [Report ID: 3116]
Stock Ledger |