Stock Repost

Stock Repost

Stock Repost





The purpose of stock repost in a POS system is to update the inventory levels of a particular product. When a product is sold, the POS system reduces the inventory level of that product in the system. Stock repost can help to reconcile any discrepancies that may arise between the actual inventory levels of a product and the inventory levels recorded in the POS system.




- Helps to ensure that the inventory levels recorded in the POS system accurately reflect the actual inventory levels of a product.

- Accurate inventory information can help businesses make better decisions about purchasing, pricing, and promotions.

- Stock repost can save time by automating the process of updating inventory levels.

- Accurate inventory management can help ensure that products are always in stock when customers want to purchase them, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Steps to process for Stock Repost:


Step 1: Go to Tools > Utility > Stock Repost



Step 2: Stock Repost screen will appear. Click on Show stock mismatched item detail. A tab will appear, press F4 from keyboard.





 Step 3: Click Yes to confirm. And Press Show stock mismatched item details again.



Step 4: Total Stock Mismatched Items will appear. Check the number of quantity and to know the complete list, click on Show Standard product type stock mismatched from details. List will appear. Now as per the requirement, press Y and click the Update function key.


     Step 5: Click Yes to confirm the selected items to adjust the stock.



Step 6: Check & verify that the quantity of Total Stock Mismatched Items has been updated.





In a POS system, stock repost is used to update the quantity of a specific product in stock. When a product is sold, the POS system lowers the amount of that product's inventory in the database. Any differences between a product's actual inventory levels and the inventory levels recorded in the POS system can be resolved with the aid of stock repost.





  1. What information does the Stock Repost include?

    • The Stock Repost typically includes details such as item code, item name, Quantity in Header, Quantity in Detail, Product Type, Total Stock, and any discrepancies between actual and expected stock levels.


  1. Can I customize the Stock Repost to suit my specific needs?

    • Yes, RetailEasy POS usually provides options to customize the Stock Repost based on your requirements. You can often choose specific columns product item to be updated.


  1. How frequently should I generate a Stock Repost?

    • The frequency of generating Stock Repost depends on the size and nature of your business, may be weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.


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