The Eye - PC - Wikipedia

The Eye - PC - Wikipedia

The Eye - PC - Wikipedia

What are the supported base products for The Eye? What are the Verticals supported in The Eye?

Currently, The Eye is only supported for Rpos6: SP6.5.9.1_86 & for Rpos7: RC344 and above. For HQ: RC67.98 and above. 
Manage Easy and TruePOS integrations are in progress.

The Eye is supported for the "Retail" vertical at any time. As of now, it is supported for the below selected vertical in the current release: -
RetailEasy6 - Supermarket, Fruits and Vegetables, and Rice Traders.
RetailEasy7 - Department Stores, Supermarkets, Groceries and Vegetables.

How can customers register and experience The Eye's Himalayas portal for Demo Purposes?

Registration Process for Learning in The Eye:
Open any browser and open this link:
Click on the "Signup" button.
Then put all your details and put the
Mobile Number
Email Address
Business Name
Business Vertical

How can a Gofrugal Employee register and experience The Eye's Himalayas portal for Demo & Self Learning Purposes?

Registration Process for Learning in The Eye:
Open any browser and open this link:
Click on the "Signup" button.
Then put all your details and put the
Mobile Number
Email Address
Business Name
Business Vertical
Event Code is 9462

Understand the concept of Pareto Analysis or the ABCX Analysis. How does it help in Retail Business?

Pareto Analysis Definition:
Pareto Analysis is a formal technique useful where many possible courses of action are competing for attention. In essence, the problem-solver estimates the benefit delivered by each action, then selects a number of the most effective actions that deliver a total benefit reasonably close to the maximum possible one. Pareto analysis is a creative way of looking at the causes of problems because it helps stimulate thinking and organize thoughts. However, it can be limited by its exclusion of possibly important problems which may be small initially but will grow with time. This technique helps to identify the top portion of causes that need to be addressed to resolve the majority of problems. Once the predominant causes are identified, then tools like the Ishikawa diagram or Fish-bone Analysis can be used to identify the root causes of the problems. While it is common to refer to Pareto as the "80/20" rule, under the assumption that, in all situations, 20% of causes determine 80% of problems, this ratio is merely a convenient rule of thumb and is not, nor should it be considered, an immutable law of nature. The application of the Pareto analysis in risk management allows management to focus on those risks that have the most impact on the project. ABCX or Pareto Analysis = It's based on the importance & movement of articles. A & B are the fast-moving articles/items. C & X are the slow-moving articles/items. It is said that 80% of the sales come from 20% of the products which fall under A & B. The remaining 20% of sales come from 80% of the products which fall under C & X.

From where we can get help about the widgets of The Eye?

Click on the Question Mark (?) symbol in each of the widgets of The Eye to get insights of the widgets.

What is Surveillance Center & how it can help resolve The Eye's issues?

[Surveillance Centre] - Smart Alert System
The Surveillance Centre is a smart alert system setup to capture problems around Master data, usage of the system, configurations etc., which may affect the day-to-day planning or cause some effect on the actions suggested by the Eye.

The Problems found across the system are categorised based on the nature of which they occurred and alerted here.
These problems are not only alerted, but also
1. The root cause which might have caused the problem.
2. What are all the effects these problems would cause on your business/day-to-day operations?
3. Remedies which have to be taken to resolve the problem identified.
4. A Summary based on the problem from which you can target to resolve the problem is provided for each problem.
are provided at ease for you to quickly take action on it.
You can locate these alerts using the Eye Icon with the number of alerts on the Top App Bar. Look out for the alerts if any and do take action on it on a regular basis.

Click on the Eye icon on the top of the page to access Surveillance Centre.

What is the purpose & benefits of the Debug Center/FAQ?

Debug Centre:
This is a help index that lists all tags on an operator in an FAQ format. Please expand each question to view the answer for the same. You can further filter by selecting the tags shown below or using the text search to narrow down based on the text in question.

To open Debug Centre, Go to Menu > User Training > Debug Centre/FAQs

Can we set Expiry Days for PO supplier-wise? If yes, explain the process.

Yes, we can do it from the Supplier Wall > Supplier Schedule. There, we put Holding Days, Lead Time, and Expiry Lead Time Offset to set the PO Expiry calculation. Schedule-based PO expiry. The expiry of this schedule is computed by the formula lead time + expiry lead time offset. PO expiry should be set up in such a way that the next walk-in does not have purchase orders from the previous schedule still open.

Explain the concept of Slug / The Grouping Identifier in The Eye.

Slugs i.e. The grouping identifier
Slugs uniquely identify a supplier schedule. When working with multiple schedules, purchase orders are raised per schedule (even if the schedules landup on the same dates). The Eye will not allow for duplicate slugs across the system. Slugs are also used to pick your target supplier contacts by a simple convention - add the slug with a '#' as part of the contact name. Look at supplier contacts in The Eye for more inputs and rules! To differentiate a contact from the supplier, you can add the slugs after the contact name (each one should be followed by the '#' - just like hashtags). E.g. contact name #slug #slug2. Keep in mind that slugs do not contain spaces. For store-specific contacts (when dealing with DSD purchases wherein different contacts from the same supplier service different stores), add short name of the store as slug (with # before the slug) after in the contact name. For E.g, if you have a store with short name DN1 with contact name as Karthick #DN1. Then the purchase orders targeted to the DN1 store will send only to the karthick contact. When working with supplier schedules on The Eye, use the slug from the supplier schedule (with # before the slug), as part of the contact name. E.g: Anand #slug_from_schedule . For E.g., if you have a contact named - karthick #dailyfresh, purchase orders bound to schedule identified by slug - dailyfresh will send only to karthick You can also tag a contact with multiple slugs. E.g. Arav #dailyfresh #dailybakery will receive purchase order communications for all purchase orders bound to the schedule slugs dailyfresh and dailybakery. Slugs and hashtag searches are case-sensitive so make sure to adhere to a proper case convention that works for you!

Few Suppliers come daily, and the purchase order gets generated & also gets delivered on a daily basis. For example, suppliers like Udan, Jio Mart etc. How to tackle this situation with the help of The Eye?

As the supplier comes on a daily basis, we need to create the supplier schedule daily. While creating the supplier schedule, take the Schedule Type as Week & Day & select all the days of the week.
Step 1: Go to Supplier Wall
Step 2: Click on the 3 Dots or the Menu & click on Schedules.
Step 3: Click on Add New and fill up all the details like Holding days, Lead Time, Expiry Lead Time Offset, Schedule Type as Week & Day and then select all the days from Monday to Sunday.

How to raise a PO in The Eye? What is the significance of "Irrespective of Walkin" while raising a PO in The Eye?

Follow the steps to raise a PO:
Step 1: Go to Daily News > Reorder Plan Widget > Supplier > Click on Any Article.

Step 2: Locate Purchase lineups and click on XXX articles to reorder today.
*** Note: Order valued at Rs xxxx (+ Rs xxxxx tax). XXX articles of these are out of stock.

Step 3: Click on Raise PO button.

Step 4: Put a Tick on Mark all reviewed and Send Mail options and click on Submit Button. PO will be raised.

A success with option to view the PO will come below the page.

If we put a tick in the Ignoring Walkin, then it will become Reorders for non-today Walkins. It means it will not consider the same day's Walkins and will generate the PO for the rest of the recommendations. See the above screen shot for reference where the Ignore Walkin option is not ticked and the no of schedule and Walkin for today is showing.  

How to setup PO Template in The Eye?

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > System Levers
The product description and ean_code/SKU will be default columns which you cannot alter. You can specify the other columns to present in PO.

You can alter your sheet name and specify column names with alias here.

Select the desired PO Columns you want for the PDF and also put the Sheet Name & columns for the Spreadsheet.
Then click on Save.
Note: You can put Alias names as well if you want for the columns.

What are the steps to be followed before placing a PO which will reduce the manual review time to generate the PO?

Perform reordering only after the supplier is properly onboarded (assortment check, stock audit, supplier schedules, dormant bootstrap and deactivation, and UOMs)
Follow the video on the reorder page for a quick review checklist:
1. Review fast-moving products with OOS.
2. Review slow-moving and high-value products.
3. Turn ON Autopilot mode once the customer is confident about the whole process.

What are the purpose and benefits of the Incubation Center?

The Incubation Centre in the Eye is used to analyse your New/bootstrapped articles. It helps you to keep track of the performance of these articles by bringing up insights about the product during their period as New.

The New/Bootstrapped articles are classified into various categories based on their Performance in this period such as,

  • HighTail Products which are performing very well and very probable to be fast moving are categorised here.
  • Typical Products showing an adequate movement since the time it is treated as new. Not all products can gallop - these are products that show a so-so sales velocity
  • Crawling Products which sell in very little quantity when compared to their stock in the stores.
  • No Movement - These Products don't seem to have any sales even if the stock is present at the stores.
No Inventory

Here you can see products categorised as Starving. These are products which are New/Bootstrapped Products for which the stores are not stocked properly for the sales to happen. A likely action here would be to review their reference limits or view supplier fill rate to ensure proper inventory.

The Assortment Listing under the Categories has Information such as Period in IncubationPer Day i.e., sales contribution per day, In/Out which is the overall stock In & Out ratio in the period, Revenue generated by the article in the Period. Also You can view details of the articles across the stores.

Based on the categories that the products fall upon, actions can also be taken here as follows,

  1. Setting up Store Limits - In case an article is completely New and has no sales before, Store limits can be set for the products to start placing purchases based on the limits.

  2. Purchase Deactivate - Assortments which are tagged mainly as No Movement/Crawling or the product which does not perform as expected can be analysed and purchase deactivated, if no longer we chose the deal with those items.

  3. Mark Mainstream - The products which show a satisfactory performance and we chose to continue with the product and no longer need to be part of analysis.

The Incubation Centre in the Daily News is scoped for the whole business. Also, the supplier & category wall has this widget scoped specific to it.

What are the purpose and benefits of the Stock Out reasons Widget and what all insights can we get from the same?

Analysing Stock Outs - Stock Out Reasons

The Stock out reasons widget on the Daily News shows the trend of the stock-outs happening in your stores. The Reasons might be planning, Supplier service, Warehouse-Store planning & execution, and a lot more in practice. These Reasons, because of which out of stock happens at your stores, have been reported here Hierarchy wise and across your stores [store-wise impact]. The Hierarchy wise representation shows how a particular category has been affected by the above-mentioned reasons.

The Hierarchy-view can also be drilled down to show its underlying subcategories & brands. More details about the article being stocked out such as,

  • The OOS Percent is the Percentage of days the article has been stock out over the past 30 days.
  • The Reason trend shows the Trend of reasons in the past because of which the article is gone out of stock.
  • The Span of the current stock out event shows that a particular article has been Stocking out for these many days. In short words, the days for which the stock out is happening.
  • For Chain Stores, The Article’s stock-outs are also shown by store level.

Are shown out here for detailed analysis on major hierarchy levels, even article-wise.

The Widget shows the Effect of the reasons on your hierarchy levels, which helps to take further actions targeting out the major reasons which affect the important categories.

How to check the Release Notes in The Eye? What are the benefits of the same?

Release Notes - Getting Started With New Features
Certain new features would have documentation on getting started directly along with the release notes in new release announcement widget.

Now you can refer to the help documentation for each new release note (if applicable) from the release feature modal. Click the orange question mark icon at the end of each release note for more details.

To check the Release Notes,
Go to Menu > Community > Release Notes.

How to check the Feature Broadcast / Announcement in The Eye? What are the benefits of the same?

Feature Announcements And Broadcasts
Feature announcements are getting started and documentation notes for features (capabilities in The Eye). These are meant to be knowledge bases for you users so that you can quickly get started with features of The Eye by yourself and at your own convenience. When features are announced via broadcasts, The Eye would bring up a popup; clicking on which you can view the feature announcement.

New features that you have not yet read are marked New. There is a Mark Read action on the top of this modal that can use used to snooze this popup. With this action; The Eye will not periodically alert you for past feature notifications. However, when Delium's engineering broadcasts another feature, the alerts would start again.

Ensure to keep up with feature broadcasts as it's the easiest, quickest and most efficient/accurate way of learning the capabilities of The Eye. As these features are written as part of our development cycle, they would have the most up-to-date and correct information about the intent, capabilities and how to use of a given capability in The Eye.

To check the Feature Broadcast / Announcement,
Go to Menu > Community > Feature Broadcast.

What is Radio Wall in The Eye? How to access the same?

Radio Wall
The Eye now introduces you to the new notification wall called Radio. Here, The Eye will keep you posted on the latest notification and alerts like Integration, Data Sync, PO Sync, and other notifications (error, info, warning) in one place.
By default, the Eye will show the latest 50 unacknowledged feeds, Once you read the feed, click the envelope icon at the end of each feed to mark it as acknowledged so that it will not be listed by default.
Icon colour represents the severity of the feed:
Info - Green
Warning - Orange
Error - Red

To check the Radio Wall,
Go to Menu > Community > Radio.

What is Telegram Contact Book in The Eye? How to Setup the Telegram Contact Book in The Eye? Is there any Charge associated with the Telegram integration with The Eye?

The Telegram Contact Book
If you have setup a telegram bot for 3rd party communications with your suppliers, the telegram contact book is your destination to manage those contacts. The Telegram contact book is available from the Main Menu -> Community -> Telegram Contact Book.
Currently, The Telegram Integration is Free of cost.
Telegram Integration Setup Video Link:

How to see the Data Sync Logs of The Eye?

To See the Data Sync Logs, Go to Menu > Community > Data Pipes (Worker & Sync) Logs

How to See the Pre-requisites & Self-Assessments in The Eye?

Purpose of Questionnaire
Implementing The Eye requires certain basic processes and implementation knowledge of your base system (HQ or POS). We have captured the prerequisites as a questionnaire and would like you to self-assess yourself against the same. Please answer all the yes/no questions with accuracy. As these are basic processes, we would recommend/mandate additional training from our partners on the base product in case of gaps in implementation knowledge to ensure a smooth implementation of The Eye. Any additional training on the base product is out of the scope of this quotation.

To See the Pre-requisites & Self-Assessment,
Go to Menu > User Training > Pre-requisites Assessment.

What is The Eye's University and how to access the courses from the University?

The Eye's University videos are self-learning tools which will help any user to understand The Eye's working process and also the best practices of using The Eye.
Currently, it has the following courses:

Trial DIY:
This course is to be taken for first-timers and trial users. It goes through the various tasks that have to be done in the first month after purchasing The Eye.

Every Thing on Dormants:
This course shows how you can deal with the dormant products in your business. How you can identify them, and take action on them. This course will help you deal with dormant with a divide and conquer method. So you don't need to worry about being intimidated by having too many dormant.

Art of Repack:
This course will take you through the entire repackaging process, from procuring bulk products to prioritizing packaging variants and transferring them to stores. You'll also learn about the essential prerequisites for successful execution and how to track your progress to ensure you're meeting your business goals.

Supply Chain Tracking:
Efficient supply chain management is essential for the success of retail and supermarket businesses. From reordering to warehousing, distribution, and delivery, coordinating multiple activities is crucial. In this series, we will explore the key components of supply chain tracking and demonstrate how to automate this process in The Eye and enhance your business operations.

To See the University courses,
Go to Menu > User Training > University (Course)

What are Out-Of-Invoice Discounts in The Eye? How to add the Out-Of-Invoice Discounts in The Eye?

Out-Of-Invoice Discounts
Out-of-invoice discounts are agreed-upon discounts on the units sold for a certain period. The Eye helps you to capture these discounts in a widget and adjusts your gross margin accordingly.
If you want to track schemes based on units sold in a period for realization from the supplier, you have to create a bill value - sales scheme, which will give you the guaranteed amount that the supplier owes you.
This section describes the applications of out-of-invoice discounts on customer bills during a period of promotions.
You can navigate to the Out-of-invoice widget from the [Main Menu -> Training -> Out of Invoice - Discounts].
You can create the discounts either using the add icon at the right corner (using the article hierarchy or at the article level) or by using the bulk upload option.
In the hierarchy mode, you can use the inclusions and exclusions to guide the Eye to narrow down the scope of the articles that fall under the discounts.
For bulk upload, download the sample template, enter the values as per instructions in the upload widget, select the date range for the discounts, and compress (Zip) the CSV before the upload the file.
The discount can be captured either in percent/value, To enter the discount in value (amount off from the MRP), select “PRICE VALUE OFF” and then enter the discount amount, if the discount is on the percentage of the MRP, select “PRICE PERC OFF” and enter the percentage of the discount.
You can easily edit/delete each discount from the widget using the more icon and may also purge it all at once.
Note: If you configure overlapping discounts by date, The Eye will randomly pick any one of them. So, avoid duplicate entries. To avoid human error, the bulk upload will only support the article level. To select at any hierarchy level, please use the add option.

What do you mean by Kick Start Purchasing in The Eye & how to do Kick Start Purchasing in The Eye? 

How to raise purchase orders for all the suppliers from the Kick Start Purchasing screen?

How to setup MRP based bootstrap quantities for dormant and slow products from the Kick Start Purchasing screen?

How to download all kickstart purchases raised by stores from the Kick Start Purchasing screen?

When you open a new store, based on the demand in the reference store(s), The Eye would prepare reorders for the stores you are now kickstarting.
*** Note: Before you start using this listing and raising orders, make sure you have properly mirrored an equivalent store.

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > Kickstart Purchases
Click on the Blue and White Colours Paper Aeroplane sign to raise all the POs in one go.

To setup MRP based bootstrap quantities for dormant and slow products, click on the "click here" hyperlink.
To download all kickstart purchases raised by stores, click on the "click here" hyperlink.

How to download all the reorder lists in one go?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Locate REORDERS and click on the Download icon.

How to download all the Supplier Contacts in one go?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Locate SUPPLIER CONTACTS and click on the Download icon.

How to view & download all the Supplier Schedules in one go?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Locate SUPPLIER SCHEDULING and click on the Download icon.

View Supplier Walk-Ins
The Widget enables you to view all the supplier walk-ins set up by strategy. The Colored bar split captures the store-article combinations above which the assortment size can also be seen. Click on the highlights to download.
The supplier Scheduling widget enables you to view the overall picture of the Supplier calendars configured In The Eye as well as in your Base system.
The Supplier Schedules are shown split by their walk-in strategies, along with where it is configured (EYE/POS). You can download the supplier calendar strategy-wise by clicking on them (or) the whole supplier calendar can also be downloaded using the top-most green label.
The number of products in each strategy is shown with a colored bar which represents A, B, C & X classifications with their respective colours (blue, violet, brown & green). The Suppliers who do not have any schedule set up are categorized as Un-Scheduled.

How to view & download all the Article/Item UOMS in one go?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
The Pareto-based split captures the store's articles combinations whereas the highlights capture articles.
Click on the highlights to download.

How to check & download the Stock Audits (Inventory Gaps!)?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center

Inventory Gap!
Stock Audits report the inventory gaps classified by the possible inventory problems such as dormant, and hidden etc., You can review and perform send for audit to resolve these gaps.

Click on Articles or CSV Exports to download the list.

What is Assortment Control and how to download the list of the same?

Assortment Control - Continuous Implementation
The assortment control section of the continuous implementation page gives you various master downloads, helps you visualise product activation, recommendations for dormant re-activation and de-activation and primary supplier override conflicts (if you use The Eye to perform central purchase local delivery - with store-specific primary suppliers)

Downloads are available via the downloads menu attached to the right corner of the Assortment control section. Downloads have -

Supplier Articles - Item supplier mapping. This is post resolution of primary overrides. With central delivery; The Eye will sanitize (auto-correct) item distributor mapping from your base system thus ensuring spokes automatically carry the primary suppliers set at the purchase destination. The last cost conditions (latest invoice) are also available in the spreadsheet.
Product Activation - List products with their purchase activation status. The Eye sanitizes item master from your POS and depending on smart master corrections (enabled or disabled). The download here represents the end product of all these workflows. This is the activation master that flows into the reorder recommendation engine for forecasting and planning.

Purchase History - Gives you supplier x month-wise purchase history for offline review. Better tools are available on the supplier wall for purchase and sales dynamics. This sheet can be a good checkpoint during implementation; just to validate overall purchase numbers.
Article master - Your item master with article hierarchy.
Many of the charts have downloaded on interactions, ensure to read the documentation on the UI for quick tips (E.g. For the health of your product catalogue from the perspective of assortment planning, the more green and grey you see - the more fit your assortment)

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Click on the Download button to download the list.
Opening Downloads

Downloads are in CSV format that you can open with any text editor or an office suite (MS Office or Libre Office).

How to check the insights of Dormant Items?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Click on the highlighted figures to download the list.

How to check the Primary Supplier Conflicts? How to resolve the same?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Click on the download button to download the list.

Conflicts have been captured from the Primary supplier overrides. The Eye will randomly pick one primary supplier of the article until the conflicts are resolved. Click on the "Click Here" hyperlink to resolve the conflicts.

How to check and download the Active and Inactive Products list from the Eye?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
The greener and greyer you see show the better control you have on your assortments and your process. To make it greener and greyer, make sure that you are actively reactivating products which you want to keep in your stores and inactivating products which do not sell any more. click on the chart to download articles with the scope of the store.
Click on the chart to download the list.

How to check Cash Flow Anomalies? Explain your understanding of the same.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center
Scanning your Cash Flow!!
The Below heat map shows you, how the assortments in the entity cash flow is been set up. Based on the Recommended Holding the configured holding of the entities has been split into various groups H, L AND N.
H represents that your stock cover(Holding days) of the assortments are in higher than recommended holding which affects your Cash Flow Badly.
Similarly, L represents the assortments stock cover is even lesser than the recommended holding which is GREAT
N represents the holding days lying within a good range near the recommended.
Note: 1, and 2 near the group represent their precedence in that group, H with the greatest number is the worst whereas L with the greatest number is too good.

Click on the "?" symbol to get more details on the same.
Ton download, go to the bottom and click on the Download button.

What is Presentation Stock Warning? How to check the same?

Presentation Stock Warnings
The Presentation stock is used to maintain a minimum stock in store. So that the shelf won't be seen as empty. This widget helps you to identify where the articles have high presentation stocks than required. The Eye computes holding days for presentation articles based on their sales pattern. Using this holding day, the System alerts you if the presentation stock is kept very high.

The Eye shows two types of warning.
High stock: Articles having higher presentation stock compared to their sales are marked as High Stock. This leads you to invest your money in the wrong place. You can reduce the presentation stock for these articles and put it on better investment.
Unknown: If the required data is not available, The Eye couldn't be able to identify holding days correctly. In those cases, the System tags such presentation articles as Unknown alerts.
Note: This widget will be available on the continuous implementation page with download options.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center

Click on the Highlighted figures to download the list.

What is Stock Health Center? Explain your understanding of it. What actions can we take from this widget?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Control Center

The Eye can setup a continuous stock audit plan (unmanned) ensuring product stock in your store is audited on a continuous cycle a few chunks at a time. The visualization below helps you visualize the age to last audit of products in various stores (products that require audit based on the auto audit controls setup in system levers). The innermost concentric circle gives you the total list of product store combinations, and as you progress upwards, group by age to the last audit and then the article hierarchy can be visualized. See help for process setup and execution samples.

Video Link:

Click on the "?" sign for more details.

We can trigger Stock Audit Autopilot email triggers and Daily Stock Audit Candidates email triggers.

What is the purpose & benefits of the Festival Calendar? Explain the process of adding Festivals in The Eye.

Tell The Eye the list of festivals that are relevant to your business using this festival calendar. Just mark the festival's past, current and future dates and I will automatically identify, prepare and submit for review a plan at the right time for your attention. Click on a row to add current and future dates and the disabled icon to mark the festival as not applicable.
An amber row (warning) points to festivals that do not have future dates (next year) configured. A red row(error) points to festivals that do not have a current date configured (ongoing year)

The Eye uses past festivals to identify automatically products that have a festival affinity. This information is used to plan for future festivals.

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > Festival Calendar
Click on Add Festival and put the Name, Previous Year, Current Year & Next Year details and save.

What is the purpose & benefits of Business Holidays? Explain the process of setting up the Business Holidays in The Eye.

On Business holidays, the autopilot would be turned off. So, remember to mark days as business holidays when your warehouse and back office are not working.

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > Biz Holidays
Click on the "+" sign and put the Date and remarks and save.

How to do Article Mirroring in The Eye?

Using the Article Mirrors option, you can mirror any new / Bootstrapped item with an existing one. This way the item properties will be copied from one item to another.

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > Article Mirrors
Select the New Article.
Select the Article to be Mirrored.
Click on the Mirror button.

What are the purpose and benefit of System Levers?

System Levers is nothing but the main configuration window of The Eye. All the necessary configurations are done on this page. you can search and change the settings of The Eye from here.

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > System Levers.

How to do Article UOM override?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Overrides > Article UOMs

Keep in mind that this configuration is also picked from your base system. If config is seen in The Eye, it will override what comes from your base system. An article can have only one UOM configuration across your entire business.

You can Manually Add by clicking the New + button and putting Article ID, Purchase UOM (PUOM), Transfer UOM (SUOM)
Even you can consider the PUOM as MOQ as well.

Remember, The Eye will update the values only when there is no configuration for UOM in the pos.

You can prepare a CSV with 4 columns (with a header) article_id, purchase_uom, store_uom, and is_moq in the exact same order. Boolean fields should be in lower case (not in the Excel default upper case). eg: 'true/false'.Zip the CSV file and then upload.

What is Presentation Stock? How to setup that based on "Days of Stock" & "MRP Limits"

Presentation Stock is nothing, but the minimum stock kept on the shelf so that it looks good. E.g., if you see cashew nuts 500g on shelfs, people will buy only if many units are available, even if the article is slow-moving, the retailer cannot keep just a few units. Other products like apples, potatoes, onions, grains etc. are also examples of the same. However, some products like oils, masalas, oral care, hair care etc. do not have this requirement.

Presentation Stock can be setup by days of stock or by MRP limits. While days of stock make changes to the underlying forecast engine for holding days. MRP limits act like alternate fallback forecasts.

Menu > Continuous Implementation > Overrides > Presentation Stock

Days of Stock
You can use this widget to setup presentation stock by days of sale. The class of the product denotes the velocity of the product in the resolving store. Note: While the widget would union article and hierarchy level configurations, inheritance is not allowed. If you decide to override a store or a cluster, make sure to add all configurations to that level.
Click on the + sign and put all the relevant details and save.

MRP Limits
You can use this widget to setup presentation stock based on MRP. Note: While the widget would union article and hierarchy level configurations.
Click on the + sign and put all the relevant details and save.

Explain the process of Primary Suppliers Override in The Eye?

Primary Supplier Override
The Eye enables you to override the primary supplier from your base system. Using this feature you can also operate in a mode where you have different primary suppliers at different points of purchase (DC and Stores) in a single-chain setup.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Overrides > Primary Supplier Overrides
Click on the Add button to add the details manually.
Or Prepare a CSV with 4 columns (with a header) article_id, store_id, store_type, supplier_id in the exact same order.
Boolean fields should be in lower case (not in the Excel default upper case). eg: 'true/false'. Store type should be in ('root', 'cluster', 'store'). Store_id should be '-1' for the root store type.
Zip the CSV file and then upload.
Or download the sample template for CSV.
Then add the file and click on Upload.

How to see Festivals Only Assortments?

Fresh Assortment Overrides
You can use this widget to setup fresh assortments and override fresh assortment levers by the article as well as your article hierarchy. Make sure to not duplicate the configurations, the duplication/overlaps in configuration are shown as a warning in respective configs. In case of duplication, the configuration is possible to be picked randomly.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Overrides > Fresh Overrides
Click on Add New and fill up all the details and save.

Click on Resolutions to download the list.

How to see Seasonal Assortments?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Seasonal Assortments
There you can see all the details.

How to do Dormant Bootstrap (Bulk)? Explain the available options to do that.

Dormant Bootstrap (Bulk)
You can use this widget to dormant bootstrap articles in bulk. Dormant articles or articles that are not moving (no sales) are those that have not sold for a long period of time (normally close to a year) Follow the instructions in the widget below to perform bulk bootstrapping.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Dormant Bootstrap (Bulk)

Prepare a CSV with 4 columns (with a header) article_id, store_id, store_type, and supplier_id in the exact same order.
Boolean fields should be in lower case (not in the Excel default upper case). eg: 'true/false'. Store type should be in ('root', 'cluster', 'store'). Store_id should be '-1' for the root store type.
Zip the CSV file and then upload.

Or download the sample template for CSV.
Then add the file and click on Upload.

What is the purpose and benefit of Dormant Bootstrap - Audit Log? How to check Dormant Bootstrap - Audit Log in The Eye?

Dormant Bootstrap - Audit Log
Dormant articles that have been reactivated/bootstrapped are listed here. If you want to remove their reactivation, you can delete it from this list.

Article Dormant Reactivation can be deleted only if the article is in its incubation period. The article should at least have store the UOM amount of quantity to reactivate. Or else Eye will take your store UOM as reactivation quantity

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Dormant Bootstrap - Audit Log
Click on the Download button to download the list.

What is the purpose and benefit of Article Substitution? Explain the process of doing the Article Substitution.

Article Substitution
When products get replaced (the supplier changes packaging or introduces a new variant as a substitute), an article substitution can be used to mark such an event (the demand history of the older article is moved to the new article).

Ideally, this should be performed in your base system as an SKU substitution but in cases where you are not able to do the same, this section can be used.

Keep in mind that when a substitution is performed, only sales (all historic) of the old SKU code would be marked against the new product code, The Eye would not map transfers, purchases, current stock and other stock movement transactions to the new article code. This would mean that if the old SKU code is active, it would most likely show up as dormant in the reorder article listing. Make sure that you intend to not purchase the old article any more before substituting it.
You can also have multiple substitutions. E.g. A to B and B to C should be modelled as A to C and B to C

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Article Substitution

To manually add, Select the old article, Select the New Article and click on Submit button.

Prepare a CSV with 2 columns (with a header) old_article_id, and new_article_id in the exact same order.
Boolean fields should be in lower case (not in the Excel default upper case). eg: 'true/false'.Zip the csv file and then upload.

Or download the sample template for CSV.
Then add the file and click on Upload.

What are the purpose and benefit of Article Deactivations (Purchase Blocks)? Explain the process of doing the Article Deactivations (Purchase Blocks).

Purchase Deactivations - Singles And In Bulk!
You can purchase deactivate products in The Eye. While we recommend that you perform this in your base system (Item master and turn of purchase allowed), you have the option to control this from The Eye as well. Purchase deactivations can be done article-wise from the reorder listing. Use the More actions menu against articles being listed and select the Purchase to deactivate action to deactivate the product in The Eye.

To deactivate products by article hierarchy filters, go to Flight plan - System Levers and search for the deactivation control. The new modal which comes up; allows you finer control over the deactivation by allowing you to select articles or a group of articles as filters on the article hierarchy. You can also select a subset of stores where you want to mark the product purchase inactive. Selecting root would mark the product/product group purchase inactive in all stores in your business. Save the setting once done.

To deactivate products in bulk, prepare a CSV file (comma separated) with columns entity_type, entity_id, store_type, and store_id. You have an example of values in the UI; so make sure to review the sample in case of doubts. For the CSV also, a template is available which is a good starting point. The template is an empty file with headers to help avoid errors in the file structure. It's recommended that you use bulk inactivation when you are working on the article dimension. Hierarchy-level deactivations are better done using the UI as performing them using the bulk upload can be prone to errors. Once you have the file ready, zip the CSV file (normal zip compression) and upload the file to the system. If the file has no errors, you would get a success message.

Bulk uploads do not delete existing entries, but rather update entries if they already exist. The table listing in the deactivations widget has the option to search and delete entries if you want to take products out of deactivation. Removal of deactivations cannot be done in bulk and should be done one at a time.

The widget also has the option to download the list of products that are currently purchased and deactivated.

Purchase deactivations do not make it to the base system (POS/HQ) and are saved locally in The Eye. Changes made require a worker-run and normally take effect the following day.

To manually deactivate the purchase click on the New Button, put the relevant details and save.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Article Deactivations

Prepare a CSV with 4 columns (with a header) entity_type, entity_id, store_type, and store_id in the exact same order.
Boolean fields should be in lower case (not in the Excel default upper case). eg: 'true/false'. Store type should be in ('root', 'cluster', 'store').
Zip the CSV file and then upload.

Or download the sample template for CSV.
Then add the file and click on Upload.

What are the purpose and benefit of Store Min Holding Days? Explain the process of setting up the Store Min Holding Days.

Store Min Holding Days:
The basic holdings days for inventory forecasting are calculated using the minimum store holding days configured in your base system as well as the holding days configured in The Eye when creating a schedule for a supplier. However, this widget can be used to increase/decrease your stock cover for specific sets of assortments in the event of any large bulk purchase.

Using the hierarchy selector, you can choose by articles or set of the assortment for which you want to increase the stock cover for each class of ABCX separately:

Min From - Minimum days of stock you wish to hold from that particular class of assortments.
Min To - Days up to which the system can adjust the min holding days for articles under that particular class.
Add override: For articles that fall under a category that has the configuration set up already, use the Add Override option to further increase/decrease their holding days for that specific set of assortments.

To ignore cash flow optimization for a specific override, use "no_optimize" with the slug name. Eg. [slug_name]_no_optimize. By doing the system will consider the holding days configured in this widget instead of automatically optimizing them based on cash flow considerations.

In case of any conflict alerts from the system, set a higher Preference to the config which has to be picked (or) you can delete the unwanted config entry. The preference scores range from 1 to 3, with 3 being the highest preference score.
NOTE: If the conflicts are not resolved, The Eye picks a random config for the assortment.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Min Holding Days
Click on Add New and fill up all the details and save.

How to deal with Wastage in The Eye? Explain the process.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Dealing with Wastages
There you will find all the hold Inventories (Promises & Damages)

How to check the Dormant or Dead Stock Redistributable list in The Eye?

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Dead Stock Redistributables
Click on Download the list.
You can raise Transfers as well from the same screen.

A supermarket gives orders for Milk and Vegetable items every day at 9:30 PM so that the order can be fulfilled on the next day early morning. How can The Eye help in this process?

Go to Menu > Flight Plan > System Levers
Search for Mid-Day Sync
Use the schedule icon in the right corner to automate the trigger of the Midday sync.
Click on the "+" sign button beside "When should I trigger mid-day sync" and then put the following details:
Min = 30
Hour = 21
Day/Month = *
Month = *
Day/Week = Mon-Sun
Then click on Save.

This triggers a mid-day sync so that you can dish out purchase orders for fresh assortment by early or late evening.
The incremental sync pulls data (incremental from the last nightly run) from your base system, so the best time to run the same would be after your day-to-day goods inward operations and warehouse transfers.
Please keep in mind that the incremental sync does not bring in new master or settings changes and just fixes physical, stock on order and stock on transfers before recomputing new reorders for fresh assortment. Assortments marked non-fresh are not touched.
A mid-day sync cannot run if you turn on full sync and always requires a normal nightly sync to piggyback on. Once triggered, you can keep track of the process via the notifications pushed to the Telegram group.
As a pre-step to using this, make sure to have setup fresh assortment for use with The Eye.

Click on the Mid Day Sync and then click on Trigger.

How do we add supplier-specific PO remarks?

There is a widget in the Flight plan - system levers to set this up at the supplier level - If supplier level one is present, it will override the one at the global level.

What different types of Assortments/Items are available in The Eye? Explain the benefits of them.

There are 2 types of Assortments:
Festival Assortments/Items & Seasonal Assortments/Items.

Suppose the Store owner wants to sell items but don't want to give purchase order for some items. Which option of The Eye will help the store owner to do it?

This can be achieved by the Purchase Deactivation process.
To manually deactivate the purchase click on the New Button, put the relevant details and save.

Go to Menu > Continuous Implementation > Sys Training > Article Deactivations

Prepare a CSV with 4 columns (with a header) entity_type, entity_id, store_type, and store_id in the exact same order.
Boolean fields should be in lower case (not in the Excel default upper case). eg: 'true/false'. Store type should be in ('root', 'cluster', 'store').
Zip the CSV file and then upload.

Or download the sample template for CSV.
Then add the file and click on Upload.

Or you can do it while raising the PO as well.
Open the Purchase Lineup and click on the Settings Button and Click on the Purchase Deactivation option.
The following message will come after clicking the option.
" You are choosing to purchase inactivate article Amul Belgian chocolate 125g. Continuing with this action will force The Eye to not consider this article for further purchases in all your stores and will also hard remove this from the current reorders list. Use the settings page to undo this."

What is the significance of Holding days in Adhoc Orders in The Eye? What happens when I do not give any holding days in the Adhoc PO simulation?

The standard holding days computed internally by The Eye for articles on their primary supplier will be used to generate the order.

Brand A is not available with the primary supplier on the day of the walk-in. How do I raise PO for the same to a Secondary Supplier? Why would this be needed?

This can be achieved through the following ways:

Adhoch Purchases:

An Adhoc simulation from the supplier wall of the secondary supplier should be done with the checkbox (include articles that are not primary) Use inclusions and exclusions when raising the simulation. In case of immediate orders when the primary supplier is unable to provide the items and n store those items are in high demand.

*** Note: The secondary supplier should be mapped to items of the brand in the base system.

Alternate Purchases:

An article can have multiple secondary suppliers but just one primary supplier. The primary supplier is the one that you normally would purchase from. The Eye's supply chain tracking widget generates alerts for supplier bad service as and when they happen. These are normally instances of poor service done by the primary supplier. With the proper secondary supplier mappings, you can get The Eye to suggest a handful of alternate purchase plans to alternate suppliers.

You can raise ad-hoc purchase simulations from these alternate plans and convert these into purchase orders. The alternate purchase widget keeps a tab on orders raised today and also works on stock-outs only (meaning you are safe from duplicate orders)

Alternatively, you can use the ala carte tab to create your own purchase order to a given supplier of choice, raise an ad-hoc purchase scheme for the same and repeat.

The Adhoc purchasing widget is available on the supply chain tracking widget, the po relay and also on the stock-out pages.

Video Link:

What is the concept of Sack UOM? How to use this feature?

Certain bulk products when once opened should be fully consumed, Sack UOM is for those cases where The Eye will automatically overallocated to ensure the same production plan. See in-house documentation for more inputs.

What is the purpose of Purchase Contractual Margin?

Purchase Contractual Margin typically refers to the agreed-upon profit margin or markup specified in a contract between two parties. It is commonly used in business-to-business (B2B) transactions where one party supplies goods or services to another party. The purpose of including a Purchase Contractual Margin in a business agreement is to ensure that the supplying party (such as a manufacturer, wholesaler, or supplier) can cover their costs and generate a reasonable profit. The Purchase Contractual Margin is typically expressed as a percentage or a fixed amount added to the cost of production or acquisition of the goods or services being provided. By establishing a Purchase Contractual Margin, both parties can have a clear understanding of the expected profit margin for the supplying party. It helps ensure a fair and sustainable business relationship, providing stability and predictability for both parties involved. The specific terms and conditions related to the Purchase Contractual Margin, such as calculation methods, adjustments, or any applicable discounts or incentives, are usually outlined in the contract itself. These terms may vary depending on the industry, the nature of the goods or services, and the negotiation between the parties involved. It's important to note that "Purchase Contractual Margin" may have slightly different meanings or implications in different industries or contexts. Therefore, it is always advisable to refer to the specific contract or consult with professionals familiar with the relevant industry to gain a more accurate understanding of the purpose and implications of the Purchase Contractual Margin in a given situation.

Is it possible we can set Purchase Contractual Margin based on Department, category and Brand?

Yes, It's possible. Do the following steps to achieve that.
Go to Menu > Flight Plan > Purchase Contractual Margin
Click on the + button and fill in the values based on filters.
Filter By:

We can activate the Margin Watch as well with the help of the following steps:
Go to Menu > Flight Plan > System Levers
Type contractual in the search box and press enter.

When turned on and if the gatekeeper margin is set up in your item master, The Eye would consider the gatekeeper margin from your POS as purchase contractual margins as fallbacks when not setup in The Eye. Gatekeeper margins picked are always evaluated as markdown on the MRP.

How will The Eye help to compare the product sales comparison? What is the benefit of the same?

We can do it by the following steps:
Step 1: Go to Daily News Page > Reorder Plan - Today Widget.
Step 2: Click on Suppliers
Step 3: Select the Supplier you want.
Step 4: Under Purchase Lineups click on no of articles to reorder.
Step 5: Go down and click on the settings button and click on Tell me Why. There you can see the Sales & Forecast.

With this, we can see the past sales and future forecast of sales as well for specific products.
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