Weighing Scale
The Weighing Scale is a measuring instrument that is used for measuring the weight or mass of an object.
RPOS 6 supports weighing scale. You can configure the weighing scale with RPOS 6 as a peripheral device.
Steps for configuring Weighing Scale
- Click Tools > Configuration Manager > Device Settings.
- The Device Configuration screen is displayed, click Peripheral Settings.
- Click Weighing Scale.
- The Peripheral Settings [Weighing Scale] is displayed.
- In the Weighing scale enable field, press SPACE BAR to select.
Note: On enabling the Weighing scale enable, makes the weighing scale ready for use.
- In the Weighing scale data length field, enter the data length for the weighing scale screen.
For Example: The data length for 00.00GM is 7.
- In the Weighing Scale Tare Data field, enter the data for the reset display.
For Example: The Weighing Scale Tare Data value is 0 (zero), on resetting the weighing scale. The weighing scale screen displays 0 in all field.
- In the Weighing scale output mode field, press F2. A OutPutMode list is displayed. Select from the option given below
- Stream - Continues Mode - On putting the weight over the weighing scale, the weight gets displayed . For single UOM type and Commonly Used.
- Manual Mode - Select the quantity, put the weight to measure. For multiple UOM types.
- Based on the device manager, the changes in configuration are made for the option given below
- Connect using
- Bits per second
- Data bits
- Parity
- Stop bits
- Flow control
Note: For more detail on device manager, see Hyper Terminal Configuration
- In the Prefix field, enter the prefix digit that need to be hided in the weighing scale display.
For example: If you have value 06.2000, and you do not want to display 0 (zero) from the prefix (before the decimal place). Enter the prefix value as 1. The weighing scale displays the digit as 6.2000.
- In the Suffix field, enter the suffix digit that need to be hided in the weighing scale display.
For example: If you have value 6.2000, and you want to remove last two 0 (zero's) from the suffix (after the decimal place). Enter the suffix value as 2. The weighing scale displays the digit as 6.20.
- In the Decimal Position field, enter the digit that need to be displayed after the decimal place.
For example: If you want to display two digits after the decimal, enter two in the decimal position.
- In the Removed Double "Enter" field, press SPACE BAR to select.
Note: On enabling Removed Double "Enter", instead of two enter (default) only one enter is accepted.
- Click Save.
- A message Do you want to save current changes? is displayed. Click Yes.
- A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.
- Click Exit to close the screen.
- A message Do you want to exit from this screen? is displayed. Click Yes.
Note: For detail on the status of weighing scale in the product, click Peripheral Status - Weighing Scale