MANUAL AUDIT: The manual audit feature in GoSure helps you to assign tasks to the employees so that they can stock count instantly the items based on the immediate needs. The manual audit feature helps the Inventory manager take decisions related to ...
GoSure makes stock counting possible on a daily basis by making the process simple and accurate contributing to complete inventory control every day. With a daily stock take schedule, you can automate the stock counting process by mapping the ...
EMPLOYEE TO CATEGORY MAPPING: The employee to category mapping option allows you to map the stock takers to single or multiple categories. This option helps you to send daily stock-taking tasks to stock takers based on the categories mapped to them. ...
EMPLOYEE MASTER: There are two employee roles to be mapped before stock auditing. They include, 1.Stock taker: Mobile Application User (Employee) 2.Inventory Manager: Web Application user (Manager) You can create the user roles from the GoSure ...
COMPANY MASTER & LOCATION MASTER You can create your company and add locations under the company created from the "Masters" section under the Settings menu. By creating companies and locations, you will be able to carry out the stock auditing process ...
ITEM IMPORT: The item import feature in GoSure allows you to import all the items from your inventory in a single shot and carry out the stock counting process from the mobile application. The items can be imported easily from the web application. ...
GoSure web application can be accessed by the Inventory Manager so that he/she can track the stock counting process, verify, configure and have complete inventory control with regular stock counting. Once the registration process is complete you can ...
Purpose: The purpose of database split is to split the databases financial year wise which will help in increasing the performance of GOFRUGAL RetailEasy and also helps you to split the old and unwanted databases financial year wise. Benefits: * ...
Are you scared of insecure user logins to your systems? Have you faced issues with your password breach? Every business needs a security mechanism more than just a password login. But you don't have to spend a lot on it. What if we say you can add an ...
Client Machine - Setup installation (Windows 7 or Above): PRE-REQUISITES I. Setup Files • Latest Web Installer file • RPOS7 SMI setup file (same as server version) • MSSQL (optional) II. Proper Connection between Client and Server III. ...
Pre-Requirements for Go-Bill: 1. Windows - 10 or 8.1 or Windows 7 SP1 above 2. Minimum 4GB ram. 3. .Net framework version - 4.6 and above. 4. POS should be having the Web-reporter service in running state.(To test the same try ...
The image uploading process consumes a lot of time & effort for retailers while launching their online ordering app. To help them accelerate their go-live process, here we introduce a new feature, where retailers can upload item images on the ...