All about Production Planning of The Eye

All about Production Planning of The Eye

Production Orders Fill Rate

The Eye tracks the production pipeline against orders raised. Orders from the past are tracked for service and you see the results of the analysis on the daily news page on the subsequent days. As a process, The Eye does not currently model a stock on order for production pipe-lining as it is a lot simpler to just work on a new worksheet every day; finish what you can.

Production orders issued by The Eye have a pick priority using which your team can pick products for repack based on both instantaneous and business-wise impact.

The Eye watches for repacking entries in your base system and maps them against orders raised in The Eye. Service levels for repack orders can take one of the following

  • Skipped - Repack was recommended, but your warehouse team skipped the product on that day.
  • Per Plan - Repack was recommended and your warehouse team followed and completed the order accurately.
  • Under - Repack was recommended, but your warehouse team fell short of producing the order quantity.
  • Over - Repack was recommended, but your warehouse team packed more units of the product than recommended. This may cause stock-out problems for other variants in the near future.
  • Unplanned - Repack was not recommended, but your warehouse team performed repacking of this product.

The visualisation is day-wise (by date) and clicking on any one of the line series downloads a spreadsheet with service on that given date. Use the download on the right corner of the widget to download service levels across dates.

The widget also houses a daily report that you can set up to be informed about yesterday's service levels. Use the report icon on the top right corner of the widget. The setup of this follows the same process as other reports.

See the screenshots for your reference:
A. Go to Menu > Daily News Page and locate Production Summary.

B. Learn about Production Summary, Historical Data Download & Email Scheduling.

C. Learn about the configuration of the email schedule. 

Repack Planner

The Repack Planner Page deals with the recommendations for the production line assortments(repack/private label products). The plan to be executed by the production unit is shown here with a short summary on top.

The Summary shows you details such as:

  • The products which cannot be repacked because of no parent stock.
  • The products that can be repacked less than the requirement because of the non-availability of parent stock.
  • You can download the non-repackable, repack recommendations and Plan-0(Original forecast requirements) using the tags given below the summary.

The Planner shows you the articles which has to be repacked today and in the upcoming days(if any production calendar is set), grouped under their parent(Bulk) item.

The Article to repack is shown with certain details to quickly review the production recommendations.

  • The Quantity has two metrics shown. The above one represents the Quantity to repack. (Requirement - Current_stock). The below units represent the raw requirement of the product over the business.
  • The Stock column shows you the current stock of the repacked item at the warehouse. You can also view the stock of the repacked item in stores by hovering on the link below the stock.
  • The Revenue(REV.) column gives you the quick metric about the overall revenue generated by an item over the past 6 months, along with the Pareto level it falls under.

You can review the products by clicking the checkbox in front of each item row and raise the repack order from the Menu (or) you can also raise orders for all by clicking irrespective of review on the confirmation dialogue.

You can also turn on the repack production to be raised on autopilot: Flight Plan -> System levers -> Repackage Autopilot mode.

You can configure the time at which the repack orders have to be created using Flight Plan -> System levers -> Autopilot Settings -> Productions(repackaging) orders.

See the screenshots for your reference:
A. Review the repacking suggestion by The Eye & download the reports.

B. Review the repacking suggestions in detail.

C. Store-wise repack items review & upcoming production set review.

D. Process to Review all & Raise Order. 

E. Configuring Repackage Autopilot Mode & setup Autopilot Settings for Production (repacking) orders. 

F. Change View Scope.

Email Reportable

The Eye can generate reports at various configured times and also broadcast them to relevant parties. A reportable can be identified by the mail icon. Where-ever a mail icon is shown, clicking on it will open a report configuration.

The user can then configure the audience of the report, and the way the report should be summarized and split (optionally).

The audience can be comma-separated emails or phone numbers. A telegram message with the report will be sent if a phone number is given. The phone number must be previously opted in to receive messages.

The summary is automatically generated by The Eye as a density table, grouping by the columns specified and counting the number of entries in the unique buckets.

Split by is used to split the report into multiple smaller reports and attach them as separate sheets for detailed analysis.

E.g. a Split by department would generate a single report email with the spreadsheet attachment having 10 sheets - one per department and assuming you have 10 departments. Please note that the split will be ignored if the split generates too many sheets. Approximately about 15 sheets is the limit for the number of sheets in one spreadsheet.

The user can also add filters to the report if they want the report only for a specific hierarchy. After the report configuration, the user sets the timing for when the reports should be generated and sent. Further documentation on setting these timings is provided in the report configuration window itself.

Multiple configurations can be created for the same report. In this way, reports can be sent configured multiple times and for different parties.

Use the send immediate action to execute the report immediately, so that you can review it. You also have the option to add a few more email addresses (like yourself) when performing send immediate for review. Ensure that the report is saved once for the "send immediate" to work. 

See the screenshots for your reference:
A. Click on the Email icon to open the Email Schedule window.

B. Put the Target Email and then click on the Green Plus Sign.
C. Now put the Minutes, Hours, Day/Month, Month and Day/Week and then click on Save. The Schedule reports - Examples are given for your reference. 

The Repack Orders

Repack Orders Page shows you the history of the production orders raised in the Eye. The repack orders raised daily can be viewed and downloaded in this tab.

The Orders are shown split by their respective dates & type. The listing has the article details,

  • Repack Article.
  • Parent article of the repack.
  • QTY represents the quantity to repack in UOM Units, below which forecast requirement for the same is shown.
  • Store UOM if any configured. Hence the quantity to repack is the (Qty * UOM)

Using the Quick Access tool, You can download today’s repack worksheet as well as the Preprocessing sheet for the repacks.

Today’s Worksheet consists of the articles to repack today. Preprocessing Sheet consists of the bulk articles to be picked for production.

You can also Download the repack orders by date using the Download CSV option given.

See the screenshots for your reference:
A. Checking the Quick Access option to download the repack plan and the pre-processing sheet.

B. Check the repack order details like Article & Parent article, Qty - UOM to repack as well as Raw Requirements and the Store UOM configuration. 

Repack Reportable

The Report triggers are also available for the processing/operations related to the repackaging.

Non - Repackable
  • Can be configured for getting reports about the non-availability of the bulk stock for certain repackaging to happen.
Daily Productions Pre-Processing
  • This report consists of the Bulk Articles that have to be picked for the day's repackage production.
Daily Productions Orders
  • Consists of the articles to be repacked on the day, which can be configured to be sent to your production team for repackaging.
Daily Productions Plan-0
  • The Plan-0 is the Raw plan that has been generated by the Eye about the requirements of the items to be repacked for the whole chain.
See the screenshots for your reference:
A. Set the trigger to get daily reports on the non-repackable items because of the parent stock outs or partial availability. 

B. Set the Daily Production Preprocess, Daily Production Orders & Daily Production Plan.

Production Calendar

Production Calendar can be configured to override certain metrics and set up a specific schedule with respect to the day on which the repackaging has to be planned.

Understanding the various fields in the Production Calendar.

Slug - Similar to giving a unique name to the Schedule.

Warehouse - The Warehouses(multi-select) for which the configuration has to be applied.

Bulk Holding Days - Days of stock to be ordered for the bulk items considering the stock of respective child products related to it at every stores.

DC Holding Days - Days of stock cover to be repacked and kept at the warehouse ready for the upcoming orders of repackaged items.

Store Holding Days - Days of stock for the repack items to be kept at the stores.

Schedule - can be set to configure certain days at which the repack plan has to be prepared. Refer to various strategies Feature.

Use the Hierarchy level selector to scope this whole configuration to a specific assortment. The usage of the selectors is explained in the Hierarchy Selector Feature in detail.

Click on Save once all the fields have been correctly configured. The configuration will come into play only after a sync.

In case of Multiple configurations for a single set of assortment would result in a conflict which will also be highlighted with corresponding schedules which has the conflicts. You can download the resolutions option to view the articles store combinations included in the configuration set.

Ensure that the Holding days are in the ratio - BULK : DC : STORE = (3 to 4) : (1.5 to 2) : 1

See the screenshots for your reference:
A. Adding new Production Calendar.

B. Adding SLUG, Holding Days and Schedule for the items to do repack.

C. Download Resolutions. Also any conflicts happens, take necessary actions. 

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