How to configure delivery slot in OrderEasy

How to configure delivery slot in OrderEasy?

Missing a delivery not only leaves the customer unhappy but also increases the total cost of order processing. The delivery Slot management feature allows customers to choose delivery timings based on their availability and convenience.


By offering delivery slots, you can streamline your delivery process, execute deliveries efficiently and improve customer satisfaction.



Follow these steps to configure the delivery slot in the Integration portal.


Step 1:

             Log in to the OrderEasy portal


Step 2:

             Go to Delivery-> Delivery Slot.



Step 3:
            A) On the 'Delivery Slot' screen make sure that the right outlet is selected on the top if you maintain a multi-outlet store.





Slot Master: Here you can create different delivery time slots that you wish to offer your customers. To create a delivery slot click on the "Add" button on the top left side.



Step 4: Creating a Delivery Slot


The "Add slot master" window will pop up in front of you. Fill in the necessary information.


i) Name: Enter the name that you want to give to your time slot.

ii) Start Time & End Time: Enter the Start time & End time of the delivery slot.
Note: Start & End Time should be in 24-hrs format.

iii) Maximum Delivery Orders: Enter the maximum numbers of orders you want to allow per time slot.

Example: If the 'Maximum Delivery Orders' is set at 15, for the created delivery time slot, Only 15 orders will be accepted during that time slot, & upon reaching the set limit, the "Slot Full" message will be shown in the app.

iv) Status: Make sure that the status is set to 'Active'.



Once all the information is filled in, click on the 'Save' button to save the time slot. Repeat the above steps to create multiple delivery time slots.



Step 5:

Configuration: This configuration will help you to provide restrictions to the delivery slots that you have created. This option can be found in the upper right corner of the screen in the Delivery time configuration tab.


i) Maximum delvery days allowed: configure your delivery slots in such a way that the app users will have a choice to select the delivery date & slot for the mentioned no. of days.

Example: If you set it as 1, the app user will only be able to see the available delivery slots for one day (i.e present day). If you set it as 2, the app user will get a choice to book any delivery slots between the present-day (today) & the next day(tomorrow).

ii) Time Zone: set the time zone for delivery slots.

Then to save the configuration, you can click on the 'Save' button.

iii) Slot Restriction Time Limit (hrs): This is set to hide the impractical/Non-realistic delivery slots to the app users.

Example: If an app user chooses a slot (11 AM to 12.30 PM) at 12.20 PM for delivery and expects the delivery to happen within the slot time. It is difficult for a seller to perform the delivery within the slot time. So if we hide the slot based on the app user's checkout time they won't be able to choose the impractical delivery slot.




Step 6: Configuring the Delivery Slot

Delivery Time Configuration: Now that you have created the delivery slots, we need to map the slots to the days. This can be done in the 'Delivery Time Configuration' tab on the delivery slot screen.


Step 7:

             On this screen, you'll see the list of all 7 weekdays, click on the 'Edit Slot' button in the Action column to add the 'Delivery Slots' on that day. In the appeared pop-up, you'll see all the created slots...
i) Click on the check box next to the time slots you want to add to that day.

ii) Status: Make sure you set the status to 'Active'.


Once done, click on the 'Save' button.


Similarly, you can add any desired delivery slots to other weekdays as well.

Step 8: Steps to select the delivery slot in App.


A) Once all the desired item products are added to the cart, proceed to checkout...