How to create a Purchase Order in RetailEasy on-cloud?

How to create a Purchase Order in RetailEasy on-cloud?

Purchase Order is raised to a supplier by the retailer specifying item name, quantity, price, etc. when there is a requirement for items especially when items reach minimum quantity, or when there is a stock out.  Quotations from suppliers are obtained and on comparing various parameters a supplier is finalized and a Purchase Order is placed.




  • Helps in avoiding any sudden surge in prices as Purchase Orders are a form of legal commitment

  • Serves as evidence for approvals made by Managers on purchasing decisions and are considered as important documents for financial audits

  • It is also a form of record of what items were purchased, quantity, and price for future reference


RetailEasy on-cloud gives the retailer a provision to create Purchase Order to procure items from suppliers from the Purchase option from the main menu.


Steps to create a Purchase Order


Before creating a Purchase Order ensure you have updated

 Tax.  Supplier.


1. From the  Main menu > > Click on Purchase > > Purchase order


2. In the purchase order page click on the Supplier  



3. Select the supplier from the pop-up screen and press ENTER



4. Currency and Exchange Rate appears as Indian Rupee and 1.000 respectively



5. Select a Payment Terms from the list to indicate how your payment will reach the Supplier.                 

  •        Cash - Payment through cash

  •        Credit - Payment through credit

  •       Consignment - If you are getting the goods just to sell in that store based on commission


6. Select a Payment Mode from the list to define when you will pay for the current purchase

  •        Credit - Paying it later

  •        Against delivery - once the goods are delivered the payment will be made

  •        Advance before delivery - If the payment is made before delivery


7. Enter Purchase Type from options local, interstate, consignment, international

     Against C-Forms selects No forms if purchase type is local. For other options

     both No forms and Against C-Forms options are available


8. Specify the Credit Days within which you will pay the purchase amount, only when Payment Mode is NOT "Advance          before delivery


9. Repeat the following until you add all the items that you want to purchase.

    1. Press ENTER to select the item from the Item Selection pop-up.





    1. The price details of the item appear in Cost PriceSell Price, and the MRP 

    2. (Maximum Retail Price)

    3. Specify the PO Qty

    4. If needed, change the prices Cost PriceSell PriceMRP, Item Discount % or Discount Amount, if any


10. To remove an item added wrongly to the PO,

    1. Click on the PO Qty of the item.

    2. Press DELETE. Delete confirmation appears.

    3. Click OK in the delete confirmation


If you expect any PO level discounts, specify the Cash Dis% (Cash Discount percent) or the Cash Disc Amt (Cash Discount Amount).



The Total payable appears as per the taxes and the discounts applied for the PO.

Total = Sum of Net Amounts + Sum of Tax – Discount Amount


11. Freight charges if any will be updated based on Formula Configuration


12. Against Round off Amount you can enter a positive or negative value to get the total

      amount rounded off. For example, in a Purchase Order, the total amount is 24154.50.

      If you enter Round off Amount as -4.50 total amount will be rounded off to 24150


13. Scheme Item Discount AmountOtherDiscAmtTotal Extra Cess will be updated   

       based on Formula configuration


The Purchase Order appears as below




14. Click on  F6   to Save

The following message appears


Click on OK. The Purchase Order will be saved


Short-cut keys are available at the bottom


With these options, Purchase Order can be edited, viewed, and printed at anytime.


 Creating Purchase Order from Indents


By clicking Shift F3 we can create a Purchase Order from Indents. Indents must be prepared in advance.

PO verification can be done from Reports


Hope you got a clear understanding of why a purchase order is raised, its benefits, and steps for creating a Purchase Order in  RetailEasy on-Cloud.

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