How to create Branches in RetailEasy on-cloud?

How to create Branches in RetailEasy on-cloud?

RetailEasy on-cloud (TruePOS) lets you customize the domain for Branch specific features. Branch creation is a part of the customization process.


Benefits of creating a branch:

Having a Branch, either an outlet or a warehouse, added to your domain enables stock transfer between branches, facilitates unified purchase, sales, and inventory access, and streamlines sales orders and shipping between different branches and franchise sales and purchase flow.


How to create a Branch?


Step 1: In the main tab of RetailEasy on-cloud, click on Master > Branch.



Step 2: Select Branch > Branch (from the drop-down)



Step 3: Click on Add Branch option to add a new branch to the domain.



Step 4: The General section

Note: You can refer to the field descriptions given below.


1) Branch Name, Address Line1, Address Line2, City, Postal Code, State, Phone, Fax,  Language, Country, Email - Enter the details of the Branch you want to create.


2) Prefix - It's the code that can be prefixed by default to all invoice bill numbers. For example, if the prefix of your store is set as CHN, the sequential invoice bill numbers will be printed as CHN201, CHN202, CHN203, and so on.


3) Headquarters - This maps the headquarters of the branch. The headquarter of the main branch in itself. For the main branch, the branch itself is the headquarter. Assigning headquarters is needed to map indent requests from the headquarter branch.


4) Status - Choose Active if the Branch is presently operating, else choose Inactive.


5) Branch Area - Branch Area and Circle option distinguish the branches. Say, you have 2 or more branches in Anna Nagar, Chennai. Although the Branch Area is the same, you can distinguish them by the Circles - North Anna Nagar and South Anna Nagar, etc.


6) Online sales - If the Branch allows online sales, choose Yes from the drop-down, else choose No.


7) Cin number - CIN Number or Corporate Identity Number or Company Identification Number is a unique 21 digit alpha-numeric number given to all Private Limited Companies.


8) Price level - Price level can be set to sell the same item at different prices to different groups of customers. For example, if you have two customer categories as "VIP Customers" and "Regular Customers". You can sell an item, say, Britannia cookies at Rs. 10 for the Regular customers and Rs. 5 for the VIP customers.

Know how to create a Branch Area or a Circle.


Step 5: The Configuration and Taxes section 

Note: You can refer to the field descriptions given below.


1) Business Type - Select a Business Type from the drop-down.

Business types once specified, cannot be edited or changed. So, fill up the Business Type carefully.


Description of the options in the  drop-down:

COCO: A Company Owned and Company Operated outlet.

Branch: A retail outlet where Indents can't be created.

Distribution: A warehouse distribution where indents can be created.

Service unit: A unit where only internal services take place.

FOFO: A Franchise Owned and Franchise Operated outlet.


2) Authentication: Validate employee entries of the branch with the two types of authentication provided by RetailEasy on-cloud.

Biometric authentication - Authentication by fingerprint

Swipe card authentication - Authentication by swiping a company ID card

None - If no Authentication process is followed in the branch


3) Show in Webstore - Assign Yes to integrate the outlet with e-commerce and other API platforms, else assign No.


4) Country code - Provide your country code if needed.


5) License ID - Specify the branch's license ID.


6) Website and social media link- Add the website and social media page links of the branch.


7) Enable third-party loyalty - If the branch is enabled with third-party loyalty (the capillary loyalty program), please mention it here.


Step 6: The GST section

Note: You can refer to the field descriptions below.


1) GST No.: Enter the GST No. for the Branch.


2) GST Type: Select the GST Type from the drop-down of the field.

  1. Regular: In the regular GST Type the item-specific tax rates, fixed by the government is collected from the customers of your store

  2. Composite: In the composite GST Type the tax rates are not item-specific, it is uniform and not collected from the customers and paid by the retailers

  3. UnRegister: In the composite GST Type the retailer is not registered and does not owe GST to the government.


Step 7: Click on Save and a message confirming the successful creation of the Branch appears.


Thus, a Branch has been successfully created with general and tax details with a few clicks on RetailEasy on-cloud.


Indent, also known as Demand is a method of creating purchase orders based on the sales orders. Indents are useful when offering or selling items without storing stocks at the distribution point.

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