It is a machine in which a weighing scale generates a barcode for items that are to be billed at the billing counter. The system includes a weighing machine integrated with a printer that generates and prints a barcode label. The printed label includes a barcode, weight and rate of the item weighed in the weighing scale.
02. What is the difference between normal barcode and weighing scale barcode?
Weighing scale barcode includes rate and weight of the item.
The printed barcode label is pasted on the pack of items. At the billing counter, the salesman just scans the barcode on the pack. The item details including the rate, weight and barcode are loaded on the billing screen after which he continues the usual billing procedure. This enables an easy, quick and efficient billing for the person at the billing counter.
A. Weighable items
Some items like fruits, vegetables are weighable. When packed in a single packet, these items are weighed instead of counting.
B. Non-weighable (Countable) items
These are the items that come as pieces like eggs, coconuts etc. which are not weighed instead they are counted (in units) for billing.
05. How a barcode label is generated?
After picking the items in a packet, the packet is weighed in the weighing scale. The operator enters the item code for the weighed item. Upon weighing the packet, the weighing scale measures the weight of the items in the packet and calculate the rate for the item. For countable items, the operator manually enters the number of pieces of the items inside the packet and the rate of the items is calculated. Based on the weight/count and rate of the item(s), a barcode label is generated.
07. What is Barcode profile?
Barcode profile is a profile which includes the barcode format to be generated for the items.
The Barcode profile is generated using the Custom Barcode Generation screen.
In the Custom Barcode Generation screen,
09. Do I have to configure different barcode for weighable and countable items? If so, how can I do that?
Yes. You need to configure the settings separately for weighable and countable items.
For weighable items, select the particulars Wt - Weight Prefix and Wt - Weight
For countable items, select the particulars Ut - Prefix and Ut - Qty
10. How and where can I map the generated barcode profile?
The generated barcode profile is mapped with the item(s) in the Item Master. In the Item Master, click Packing tab and open the packing screen. In the Barcode Generation Profile field, press F2 key and select the barcode profile. To apply the profile as default for all the items to be created, press F9 (Default).
11. How can I map the barcode profile for the existing items?
You can apply the barcode profile for the existing items in the Item Master. In the Barcode Generation Profile field of the packing screen, press F2 and select the profile manually.
Click Inventory >> Masters >> Items. In the Barcode Generation Profile field of the packing screen press F2 to view the list of profiles. Select the profile manually to change from the existing profile.
A. Barcode profile configuration
In Sales Tab, enter the value '3' in the Decimals Required (Qty) field (applicable for weighable items only)
C. Weighing scale configurations.
Refer Configuration settings in Weighing scale screen above.
A. Generate the barcode profile. You need to select the particulars Wt - Weight Prefix and Wt - Weigh
B. In the Sales tab of the Item master, enter the value '3' in the Decimals Required (Qty) field
C. In the packing tab of the Item Master, select the item is weighable, sold by weight and map the corresponding barcode profile (Refer the above screen shot for better understanding)
A. Generate the barcode profile. You need to select the particulars Ut - Prefix and Ut - Qty
B. In the Item Master, select the item is weighable, sold by Units and map the corresponding barcode profile (Refer the above screen shot for better understanding)
Please verify the following:
1. "Enable Weighing Scale" should be selected in the Custom Barcode Generation screen under Tools >> Configuration >> Device settings.
2. In the packing screen under Inventory >> Masters >> Items,
Barcode generation profile should be mapped correctly.
Is Weighable should be "Yes."