RetailEasy on-cloud has two types of User classifications - Node User and Anywhere User. A Node User's login credentials can be used to access the domain only from Node that the User is registered with or has Re-Register access. A Node is a system from which RetailEasy on-cloud can be accessed. A Node user is a user who has registered access to the RetailEasy on-cloud via the Node.
Benefits of creating Node Users:
The User Type is defined when the Employee is registered to the domain, thereby limiting the User's access to a registered Node (computer). Also, specifying the Role at the time of Employee creation defines the menu and sub-menu access of the User. A Node user can access other Branches, that are marked as remarked as Reporting Branches using the login. The Allow IP Address prevents the User from Logging into a Registered Node from an unauthorized IP Address, enhancing protection.
How to create Node Users?
Step 1: In the main tab of RetailEasy on-cloud, click on Tools > Configurations
Step 2: From the drop-down of the Configuration section, select Security Configurations
Step 3: In the Security Configurations screen, switch to the Employee Master tab and click on Create Employee
Step 4: The Add New Employee pop-up appears. Enter these details in the Employee Details screen
Full Name of the Employee, Job Title, Email, Employee Ref ID, Registration Number - Enter these details of the employee
System Access - Assign YES if the employee has system access, else assign NO
User Type - The User Type defines the domain access capacity of the Employee. In RetailEasy on-cloud, Employees can be classified into the three User Types on the User's Role, Department, Designation, and Business Requirements
Node Users can access the RetailEasy on-cloud domain only from the Registered Node. A Node is a registered system counter. A node is a register or a counter. In node user, is a node or a system being registered
Anywhere User - Anywhere User - Anywhere user is a type of user, who can access RetailEasy on-cloud from anywhere using any system. Generally, in a company, high profile people can be given anywhere user access so that they can access RetailEasy on-cloud from anywhere. For security purposes, anywhere user should not be given to all the employees
Default Branch, Reporting Branch - The Default Branch that the User logs in to. The Reporting Branches are all those Branches that the User has access to. Only one mandatory Branch can be set as the Default Branch. There are no restrictions in adding the reporting branch
The Default Branch is ticked in Grey and can't be removed from the pop-up screen
The Reporting Branches are in Blue and can be ticked/unticked on the pop-up screen
Designation, Department - Press Enter to choose the Designation and Department from the LOV pop-up. Click on Designation and Department to create new Designations and Departments
Approval Manager, Reporting Manager - Press Enter to choose the Approval and Reporting Manager from the Employee List
Allowed Item Disc % - Specify the maximum discount% that the User can provide on bills
Sales Man Commission % - Specify the Sales Man Commission% that would be reckoned on the sales made by the Sales Man
Allow IP Address - Specify the IP Address from which the User can access the domain. Leaving this field empty will allow Login from any IP Address.
Step 5: Enter these details in the Login Details screen
Status: Assign Active if the Employee is currently working in your store. Else, assign Inactive
Role: Press Enter and choose the Role from the Roles LOV. Role defines the menu and submenu access for an Employee. Click on Role to create new Roles.
User Name: Enter the User Name that will be used by the Employee for logging in to the domain. Make sure to keep it unique to the Employee. It should be a minimum of three characters.
Password: Enter the Password that will be used by the Employee for logging in to the domain. It should be a minimum of six characters.
Confirm Password: Retype the Password for confirmation
Note: If the Password is not set following these conditions, an error message will appear as shown
Node Register Access: There are three types of Node Register Access you can choose from
NoRights: Denies the Employee from accessing the domain
Register New Nodes: Allows the Employee to access the domain by logging in from any Node and set up new Node
Re-Register Also: Allows the Employee to access the domain by logging in only from the registered Node
Step 6: In the Contact Details section, enter the contact details of the Employee, like Short Name, Date of Joining, Gender, Address, Phone number, etc.
Step 7: In the Upload Photo section you can add the photo of the employee. Click on Choose File and select the file from your system's storage
Step 8: Click on the Save button on the bottom right corner
Step 9: Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add more Employees to the domain
Thus your Employee has been successfully added to the domain with a clearly defined node register, menu access permissions and login credentials.