Configuration of a Barcode Profile for Weighing Scale RPOS7.

Configuration of a Barcode Profile for Weighing Scale RPOS7.

Configuring the Barcode Profile

A. Barcode Profile configuration for Weighable items

1. Click Tools >> Configuration >> Device Settings to open the Device configuration screen.

2. Click Barcode generation >> Advanced to open the Custom Barcode Generation screen.

Configuration for Weighable items:

3. In the Name field, enter the name of the Barcode profile.

4. In the [SetDate[Y/N] column, press Y to select the particulars from the Particulars column. [Item Code, Wt - Weight Prefix, Wt - Weight] 

5. In the Order column, enter the number to define the order of the selected field in the Barcode. [For Example, Wt - Weight Prefix = 1, Item Code= 2, Wt - Weight = 3] 

6. In the MaxLength column, enter the number to define the number of characters for the selected field. [For Example, Wt - Weight Prefix = 1, Item Code= 6, Wt - Weight = 5]  

7. In the Precision column, enter the numbers to define the decimal points wherever applicable. [For Example, Precision = 3]

8. Select the Enable Weighing Scale checkbox & Remove Paisa in Selling Price checkbox.

9. Click Save or press F6 to save the configurations in the defined profile.

So, after the configuration, the Barcode format will be:

Where W = Prefix
003198 = Item Code
01500 = Weight (1 KG, 500 Gram)

B. Barcode Profile Configuration for Countable Items:

1. Click Tools >> Configuration >> Device Settings to open the Device configuration screen.

2. Click Barcode generation >> Advanced to open the Custom Barcode Generation screen.

3. In the Name field, enter the name of the Barcode profile.

4. In the [SetDate[Y/N] column, press Y to select the particulars from the Particulars column. [Item Code, Ut - Prefix, Ut - Qty] 

5. In the Order column, enter the number to define the order of the selected field in the Barcode. [For Example, Ut - Prefix = 1, Item Code= 2, Ut - Qty = 3] 

6. In the MaxLength column, enter the number to define the number of characters for the selected field. [For Example, Ut - Prefix = 1, Item Code= 6, Ut - Qty = 5]  

7. In the Precision column, enter the numbers to define the decimal points wherever applicable. [For Example, Precision = Blank]

8. Select the Enable Weighing Scale checkbox & Remove Paisa in Selling Price checkbox.

9. Click Save or press F6 to save the configurations in the defined profile.

So, after the configuration, the Barcode format will be:

Where W = Prefix
003197 = Item Code
00001 = Item Qty (1) 

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